Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

If you want to do your part or get involved, there are many different initiatives that have been started around campus to get students and faculty involved in sustainable action.

Share a Car
Save money and time with WCUPA RideAmigos, a ride sharing platform for people commuting to and from campus at West Chester. RideAmigo’s matches you with fellow residents and employees who have similar travel plans. Or explore your travel options.  Help reduce your carbon emission by biking, walking, taking transit and sharing rides. 

Check out for more information:

Share a bike
Want to take a quick ride down to south campus or into town? Zagster and West Chester have worked together to put three conveniently placed stations on campus at Allegheny, Swope and Sturzbecker. It’s super simple: just download the app, choose the bike, unlock and start riding. It’s only $10 a year with your WCUPA email! The Zagster app is available on both iOS and Android.

Check out for more information:

Rent a Car
Drive on demand: you could rent a car for a one hour laundry pick-up to a two-day road trip. A Zipcar lives on campus for anyone 18 and older that has a valid driver’s license. Zipcar tries to free up space on campus and support environmental sustainability, while also saving you time and money.

Grab a Bus
The university has created new bus loops throughout West Chester and Chester County. Need to get to the Exton Train Station? Grab the Exton train shuttle for free. The Uptown Loop will get you to locations in the West Chester Borough like the Chester County Hospital and the Bradford Shopping Center.

Get Involved
Join the different environmental clubs and groups around campus like SubSac or the Sunrise Movement. Get down and dirty and volunteer at the north and south campus gardens to grow food for the Resource Pantry on campus.    

Emily Rodden is a fourth-year student majoring in anthropology.

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