Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Advertising Discounts

The Quad extends a variety of discounts to both our print and digital advertising clients.  We encourage all of our clients to correspond with our advertising manager (send an email to to build an advertising campaign that maximizes the value of your investment. Unless otherwise stated, the discounts listed below can be combined with other discounts, with each discount applying to the full, undiscounted base rate.

Discounts for both print and digital advertising clients

  • Prepayment (5%). Clients who submit payment in full prior to the start of an advertising campaign are eligible for a 5% prepayment discount on both print and digital advertising.  The Quad must be in receipt of the entire prepayment for this discount to apply.
  • Non-profits (25%) Non-profit organizations are eligible for a discount on both print and digital advertising.  The Quad may request evidence of non-profit status (such as a recent Form 990) before extending this discount
  •  WCU Offices (50%).   WCU offices are eligible for a discount on both print and digital advertising.  The Quad may request evidence of WCU affiliation (such as a WCU cost center code) before extending this discount.
  • WCU Students and Student Organizations (50%). Student organizations are eligible for this discount when promoting events and meetings. Students may use this discount to promote candidacy for student government positions.

Consecutive placement discounts

  • 3 consecutive issues (print) or 3 consecutive weeks (digital).  Clients who place the SAME advertisement for at least 3 consecutive print issues or 3 consecutive weeks are eligible for a discount of 10%.  For this discount to apply, no changes to the display or digital ad can be made during the consecutive period.
  • 6 consecutive issues (print) or 6 consecutive weeks (digital). Clients who place the SAME advertisement for at least 6 consecutive print issues or 6 consecutive weeks are eligible for a discount of 15%.  For this discount to apply, no changes to the display or digital ad can be made during the consecutive period.

Print/Digital combination discounts

Clients who simultaneously place both print and digital ads are eligible for an additional discount on the cost of any size digital ad, based on the size of the display ad in our print product.  These discounts only apply to the cost of the digital ad.

  • Full-page display ad/digital ad (25%).  Clients who place a full-page display ad in our print product are eligible for a 25% discount on the weekly rate of any digital ad during the same week(s) the display ad appears in our print product.  Clients who place custom-sized ads totaling 60 column inches or more in a single issue are also eligible for this discount.
  • Half-page display ad/digital ad (20%). Clients who place a half-page display ad in our print product are eligible for a 20% discount on the weekly rate of any digital ad during the same week(s) the display ad appears in our print product.  Clients who place custom-sized ads totaling 30 column inches or more in a single issue are also eligible for this discount.
  • Third-page display ad/digital ad (15%). Clients who place a third-page display ad in our print product are eligible for a 15% discount on the weekly rate of any digital ad during the same week(s) the display ad appears in our print product. Clients who place custom-sized ads totaling 20 column inches or more in a single issue are also eligible for this discount
  • Quarter-page display ad/digital ad (10%). Clients who place a quarter-page display ad in our print product are eligible for a 10% discount on the weekly rate of any digital ad during the same week(s) the display ad appears in our print product. Clients who place custom-sized ads totaling 15 column inches or more in a single issue are also eligible for this discount
  • Sixth-page display ad/digital ad (5%). Clients who place a sixth-page display ad (or smaller) in our print product are eligible for a 5% discount on the weekly rate of any digital ad during the same week(s) the display ad appears in our print product. Clients who place custom-sized ads totaling 14 column inches or less in a single issue are also eligible for this discount.  Note that display ads in our print product must be a minimum of 4 column inches.

Additional digital advertising discounts

  • Semester breaks (50%).  Clients who place digital ads during weeks when a print issue of The Quad is not published are eligible for a generous 50% discount off the cost of any size digital ad.  This includes summer break, winter break and spring break, as well as any weeks during the semester when our print product is not published.  Note that while much of the online content of is drawn from our print product, we continue to provide continuously updated content throughout the year, including breaking news updates and our mobile journalism products.