The Quad is the student news service of West Chester University of Pennsylvania, the largest university in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, and one of the largest universities in the Philadelphia region. Including The Quad in your advertising campaign is an economical and effective way to communicate your message to the over 18,000 students, faculty and staff at West Chester University.
The Quad offers two types of advertising opportunities:
- Display advertising in the print version of The Quad showcases your message in both our award-winning paper edition and our mobile-friendly digital replica edition. The paper version of The Quad is distributed widely on news racks across campus, as well as at selected off-campus locations. Our digital replica is a full-color version that looks just like the paper version, but in digital format, ideally suited for reading on digital tablets and mobile phones.
- Classified advertising is ideal for those looking to sell items, rent property, find child care or hire new employees. Sometimes called “want ads,” classifieds are economical text-based ads that appear in our print edition, digital replica edition and online at You can place your ad anytime of the day or night on our website — just click the classifieds link above to get started.
We invite you to browse the options under the advertising menu to explore your advertising options, our publication schedule, and the many discounts available to our clients. And if you have any questions about advertising, please send an email to