Sun. Apr 28th, 2024

As Thanksgiving break approaches, remember to take a moment to reflect upon the true meaning of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the start of the season of giving and many people enjoy the long weekend since they get time off from work and school.

It is a time to be with family and friends celebrating over an extravagant meal, when some eat more food than they can handle, putting themselves in the ultimate “food coma.” However, Thanksgiving is so much more than that.

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all that you are blessed to have. This is when you can express your gratitude to all your loved ones while eating a plentiful meal.

During our long weekend, reflect and give thanks for all that you are fortunate to have in your life, and remember that not everyone is as fortunate. Participate in thanks and giving today and everyday.

When we return from Thanksgiving break, there is only a short amount of time that we are here on campus taking finals before a well-deserved winter break. Though we will all be studying and cramming a semester’s worth of material in one night, it is very important to think about taking a break. On your study breaks, why not use the time to volunteer around West Chester for an hour or two?

There are so many incredible volunteer opportunities offered through the school, or you can venture off and find one on your own!

If you went to the volunteer fair earlier this semester, check out one of the groups or places you got information on. Sign up for the school volunteer newsletter, and you will receive a biweekly email about all the local volunteer opportunities offered in and around West Chester.

This newsletter has student clubs, organizations, athletic teams, and community agencies all looking for volunteers. You can volunteer once or continue volunteering at your place of choice if you enjoyed it. Heidi Wolf, a WCU sophomore, shared her feelings after volunteering multiple times at the local Salvation Army throughout this semester saying, “ I always feel fantastic after volunteering. It was always so much fun. Everyone I helped was so kind and grateful making me feel like I really made a difference in making sure these families have a great Christmas.”

The town of West Chester has so many places you can go to volunteer, such as the Salvation Army, the YMCA, Chester County Food Bank, Safe Harbor shelter, and the Hickman, to name a few.

If you do not have enough time to volunteer, try to preform a random act of kindness for someone. Buy the person behind you in line their Starbucks coffee, offer someone who ran out of prints to use yours, smile at those you pass while walking to class, or hold the door for others.

Small acts of kindness go a long way and can really brighten someone else’s day. During a time of hectic studying, remember why we just went home for Thanksgiving, and consider doing something caring for someone else.

Spread a little kindness and start the season of giving off on the right foot.

Aileen Assumma is a second-year student majoring in English literature. She can be reached at

One thought on “Thanksgiving inspires students to give back”
  1. What an amazing article. How can we not be inspired to help others after reading it! Well done. We will do our part here on the West coast as well??

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