Most academic buildings are partially or completely wireless accessible but by next semester, the majority of campus will be wi-fi. Wireless on campus has not been publicized on campus because of a conflict with security equipment. According to Steve Laverty, the Director of West Chester University’s Communications and Infrastructure Services, the new security equipment will not be activated until the end of the semester. The delay is caused by the inability to install the new wireless equipment in the middle of a semester because it will cause problems on the campus-wide network. The University will be completing the wireless installation into next semester.
The move to wireless is funded by the technology fee that students pay as well as the Communications and Infrastructure’s departmental budget, with the exception of Sykes Student Union’s wireless installation, which is paid by Sykes. While the equipment is funded, all of the installations are completed by WCU technicians.
Currently, the Francis Harvey Green Library, Ruby Jones Hall, Recitation Hall, Schmucker North and South, Main Hall and the academic quad are completely covered by wireless. Most of Lawrence Hall is wireless accessible and Boucher Hall and Sykes are partially accessible. Next semester, all academic buildings will be completely wireless.
Academic buildings and study spots such as the library and Sykes seem to be most appealing to use the wireless internet. Fourth-year student Ryan Bright said, “I have never used it. I don’t have a laptop but if I did, I would probably bring it to long lectures and maybe to the library since those computers seem to jam around scheduling time.”
Due to the lack of publicity, many students were not aware of the campus’ wireless accessibility. Fourth-year student Erika Heiduk said that she was not aware of the wireless but would use it, most likely in the library or in Sykes.
Also not aware of the wireless, fourth-year student, Jason Nagy said that he would most likely use it in class.
The Department of Communications and Infrastructure Services handles the installation of the wireless internet, as well as manages e-mail, servers, the network, phones and student organization and residence life computers.
Not to be confused with the Academic Computing Services in Anderson Hall, who manages training, technical support, software and campus computers, the Communications and Infrastructure Services is located in the Bull Center.