Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Are you a West Chester student who spends a lot of time in their own head? Do you fixate on fictional entities and events that never happened to such a degree that friends and family are growing concerned?

Do you feel you have a personal connection with the English language, and react with volatility to people who can’t tell “your” from “you’re,” or use “omg” and “brb” in verbal conversation, annunciating each letter as if they had fewer syllables than the longhand they were designed to represent?

Assuming you pass the psych litmus, it sounds like you might be one of those “aspiring writers.” Creative types floundering for expression in an age where the definition of creativity has… changed. Since you’re doing battle with sociological influence, the Writing track classes may be leaving you cold. Or maybe you took a page from the greats and eschewed academic creative writing tutorials before they could. No judgment. Salinger spent his last 20 years a hermit.

The point is, you don’t have to go gently into that dark night.  The West Chester Writing Club takes aspiring scribblers of every stripe, fledgling novelists, poets, songwriters and playwrights. We don’t tell you how to do what you do, and we don’t try to fix anything that was probably never broken. We provide an open forum for you and your work. If you want to critique it, that’s fine, we’ve all had more than our share of the editing process. If you just want a place to share, that’s just as good.

If this sounds like a pleasant way of staving off the Hemingway solution, you can contact me, Matt Holmes, at Or, you can contact our perpetually bubbly and vivacious secretary Amanda Reichardt at

Or, if you’re a reticent type (and what a shock that would be!), creep on our Facebook group, “WCU Writing Club.”

I hope to hear from you soon, and I’ll see you in the trenches.

Matt Holmes is a third-year student majoring in psychology with minors in Spanish and  philosophy.  He can be reached at

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