Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Photo Credits: Evan Brooks

Organizations at West Chester University (WCU) have a seemingly endless pool of opportunities to draw from. It is imperative that we understand the resources available to us and the avenues we can travel. I am connected to a variety of organizations at WCU, and the focus of this article will be on sharing the opportunities I know are available to organizations. Hopefully, the created list can serve as a starting point for organizations looking to expand upon their activity and can be of service to the community. 


One of the best ways to give back is through service, and WCU has plenty of opportunities for all organizations to give back to the West Chester community. The Center for Civic Engagement and Social Impact (CCESI) is a great resource to utilize. Via the link below, you can find a directory of community partners, broken down by service organization type. The CCESI also has current partnerships with WCU organizations, a partnership your organization could create by reaching out to them at today. Lastly, the CCESI has an Adopt-A-Block program your organization can dedicate time to by reaching out to the department. 


Ensuring your organization is up-to-date with finances and understands the proper procedures is imperative for your organization’s success. Below are two links: one leads to the Student Government Association (SGA) where you can find documents explaining all the financial rules and procedures, and the second link leads to the Student Services, Inc. (SSI) website where you can find all the forms your organization will need to get your finances in order. Should you have questions regarding the SSI forms, you can reach out via for more information. Another important set of information is that your organization must attend the SGA budget seminar, which takes place once an academic year in the fall. Should your organization need more money, your group may submit an auxiliary request via a form on the SGA RamConnect page requesting the needed amount. Auxiliary requests should be your organization’s last resort after searching for funding elsewhere, like via other organizations or departments. 


RamConnect is a useful new tool that few organizations have taken the opportunity to utilize. Via the platform, your organization has a website that can be personalized and designed to fit the theme of your group. The platform can be utilized to store files like your organization’s bylaws which should be posted on RamConnect. Lastly, the platform is a great way to email your membership, which should be updated annually through removing any students that have graduated, and post upcoming events. 


Getting your organization out there to more WCU students is imperative to the sustainability of leadership within your organization. There are several resources at WCU that your group can use to advertise, from submitting information and a flyer to the Ram Roundup newsletter (via the link below), to having digital signage via the tvs across campus. For more advertising information and resources, see the second link below. There are several opportunities to advertise your organization, including talking and collaborating with other organizations via social media through shoutouts. 

SGA Committees 

The Student Government Association (SGA) has five committees anyone can join, without the position of senator being required. Joining any of the following committees can grant a great deal of information for yourself and your organization in terms of collaborations, sponsorships and general information. The committees are the following: bylaw review, finance, multicultural, outreach and public relations. If you as an individual, or a member of an organization, have an interest in any of the committees mentioned based on their name or want to learn more, feel free to contact the SGA via the link below. 

Each of the above opportunities can be helpful for your organization, or to you as an individual. 

Evan Brooks is a fourth-year Business Management major with minors in Economics and Civic & Professional Leadership.

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