Tue. Sep 17th, 2024


eeeeellllllloooo West Chester!  My name is Adam Farence, I am the Op-Ed editor for the student newspaper, and we’re starting something new called “Students Speak!” You just read the opening line for a new video series the student news paper is starting.   Ever since The Quad acquired new mobile journalist kits, the editorial staff has been experimenting with different ways to broadcast content back to the student body.


Technology is changing the way the world works – and journalism is no exception.  For the longest time, the print copy of the newspaper was the primary, if not sole method of rapid news dissemination.  But times are changing – video cameras, audio recording devices, cell phones, and the Internet all offer new and exciting ways to reach out to the crowd.  Record a video, edit it, and put it on YouTube is just one of the new ways the student newspaper is expanding.  And we’re quite excited about it.


Hence, the first installment of a series called “Students speak!”  Essentially, I’ll walk around campus with a general, yet relevant question to ask students who do not mind being filmed and put on YouTube.  We hope to increase our ties with the student body by directly broadcasting the thoughts and feelings of West Chester University’s student body.  All of the videos posted will be put on the Quad’s channel on YouTube, so they will be readily accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  To see The Quad’s new video, check out our channel on YouTube. This week’s question was: “How do the students feel about Wayne Hall being turned into office space?”  Interested? Check out the video on YouTube.  Type “WCU Students Speak!” into the YouTube search bar.


We’re really excited about the potential of our new mobile journalist kits so for any students wanting to contribute to something larger than themselves, now is the time to take advantages of what the newspaper has to offer.  College is all about trying new things and exploring new possibilities, and the newspaper is no exception.

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