My first order of business in this response letter is to question the ability of Mr. Maalouf to see things from a broader perspective. It’s foolish to believe that either party, Democrat or Republican, is more apt to break convention than the other. His accusation of Democrats alienating pro-life supporters is ridiculous. Of course the Democratic party is not going to nominate a pro-life member as their chairman. Would Bush have earned the collective nod of the Republican party to run for president five years ago if he was pro-choice? I think not.
Democrats claim to be the “tolerant” party based on the make-up of their demographic. The fact is that the Republican party is made up primarily of white, middle to upper class Christians. The Democratic party consists of a far more diverse cast of religions and ethnicities, and also economic statuses. And as for alienation, I’ve never heard a pro-choice Democrat condemn a woman to Hell just before she crosses through the doors of an abortion clinic. I guess that isn’t alienation though, and it’s just protected free speech.
As for the reason Giuliani and Schwarzennegger were chosen as speakers at the Republican National Convetion, it was surely not because the Republican party was able to “look beyond” their pro-choice stance. The two men were chosen because they’re looked at as pieces of Americana. Giuliani has been dubbed the strong, resolved leader of the city that fell victim to the worst terrorist attack in our history (and rightfully so), and Schwarznenegger carries so much star power that he has a significant effect on whatever he chooses to place his stamp of approval.
One more point you may find interesting is that Bush declared the United States a “Christian Nation,” when the United States clearly has no national religion. This may lead some to believe that our Commander In Chief does in fact allow his religious beliefs to occasionally “slip” into his politics.
So I suggest you think your next accusation through a bit more thoroughly. The Democratic party’s decision not to elect Tim Roemer as their chairman is based upon not “alienating” the majority of their party on a key issue that divides Republicans from Democrats. I sincerely doubt it’s due to a schoolyard-esque form of discrimination. You’ve been serv’d.
Josh J.
(My last name is Joyce, but please omit that.)