Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

    The land of the free, and the home of the brave: a country whose freedom was brought about 235 years ago when a document was signed that would grant the United States of America a new hope, a new dream, a new love. 

    From sea to shining sea does that hope of freedom exist, that dream of a new adventure, and that love of country. 

    Wars upon wars where the red, white, and blue have shone brightly above the mountain top, where the Gettysburg address was read by President Lincoln proclaiming the freedom of man, and where the Declaration of Independence was signed giving us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.             The Constitution gave Americans a right to the freedom of speech.             President Roosevelt said, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.”

    President Kennedy informed Americans “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

    President Reagan said, “Democracy is worth dying for, because it’s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.”

    America is not only a country of political and military greats, it’s a country where, taken the freedoms of our founding fathers, were built. People can turn on the television and see anything from a sitcom, to a game show, to a golf tournament, to the news.  We can drive to McDonald’s and grab a cheeseburger and fries in less than three minutes.             Americans can stand on the steps of the Capitol building and hold a sign protesting any cause. Americans can get a proper education and pursue dreams of going to college.   People can go to national landmarks like the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, and Mount Rushmore.

    Freedom is not an easy thing to obtain – it has cost us a countless million number of lives. So many of our own heroes have fallen bravely, giving their lives up for a cause that is greater than words and greater than we will ever know.

    Now especially at a time in our country’s history where people are split evenly down the middle about key issues, freedom and love for one another is a cause in which people need to strive.  Why is it so hard to come together?  Is it because people are so radically split and so firm in beliefs that they can’t bend at all or even listen to another point of view?  Whatever the case is, take a step today to make oneself a better person. Do a civic duty to help at least one person every day, help less fortunate than, and most of all next time you see a service man or woman, shake their hand and tell them how much you appreciate their sacrifice.  It has been suggested to give back to the country. 

    In school students  pledge allegiance to the American flag every morning, but do they stop to think what they are saying? That flag stands for what we have accomplished as the United States of America. Every person is not just one person, but one person who can make a difference in the future of America.  What people do today will affect what this country does tomorrow; Have the distinct honor and privilege to be living in the same country as the brave men and women who have already or will be making the step to defend our freedoms.  There is no greater group of people, none as courageous, none as determined, and none as loyal as our American military. 

    Take the  time to thank all of our soldiers, all that are fighting overseas as we speak, and those who have fallen while giving the ultimate sacrifice. 

    Old Glory, that flag stood above the bullets firing during the American Revolution and when brothers were fighting brothers in the Civil War, our American flag stood when women received the right to vote, and when our country suffered the Great Depression. Our flag stood when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor and when we stormed the beaches of Normandy.  Our flag stood when we sent our first man to the moon and when the Challenger space shuttle exploded minutes after takeoff.  Our flag stood above the rubble of the World Trade Towers when Americans all came together mourning the loss of our loved ones. 

    Our flag still stands today.  Don’t let it fall. Our flag will always stand higher and higher than ever before.

    As the tenth anniversary of September 11 passes, remember to take some time to be grateful for a beautiful country and continue to support those brave men and women who were lost a decade ago.

    Adam Anders is a fifth-year student majoring in political science, minoring in journalism.  He can be reached at

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