Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The spring break crew to London shared a bond that can only be understood by those who went on the trip.

I know what this feels like as I’ve felt it before, thanks to other organizations I belong to in college. In my sorority, we feel a bond that can only be understood by those who experience it. During my London trip, I got that feeling again and shared it with other students that I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

We took a group picture on the underground subway, the transportation that we relied on during our trip. We joked that we spent so much time on the subway that it only seemed appropriate to take a picture while we rode the subway. We heard the announcements for “mind the gap” as a warning when the trains entered on the tracks. We noted this among other cultural differences and came back home telling each other to “mind” instead of “watch” out for objects.

Lions are the symbol of London, one part of the royal coat of arms. Rebekah Balmer, my sorority sister, and I looked at each other, a huge grin spread across our faces. The lion is our Phi Mu sorority’s mascot, a perfect opportunity for a photo-opt.

Other students would point out lions to my sorority sister and I, as they joined in our excitement about finding something meaningful to us.

We had all taken photographs to mark off and capture the places we had been. Our group had already created a Facebook group. We took advantage of this to share our photos and befriend one another on the social network media.

On Facebook, members of the group had said, “I’ve died and gone to heaven, and heaven’s name is London.”

~ Ginger Rae 


The Quad

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