Tue. Sep 17th, 2024



Now that syllabus week is sadly over, we can officially progress into the Spring semester. I always regard syllabus week as a nice transistion between the relaxation of Winter Break and the heavy demands of the academic semester. You work a little and get situated with your classes. Hopefully there was nothing too taxing in that week, but if your professor gives you a heavy work load in the first week, you should get ready to have a heavy work load for the rest of the semester. Despite the fun you may have had this past week remember that it has come to a close and it is time to gear-up for the spring semester.

This spring semster is a milestone for me and many others. It holds a special place in my life because of all the spring semesters this one is my last. My four-year journey at West Chester University is coming to an end. I can safely say that these four years have been some of the best times in my life. Leaving this place is sad and even scary; I am not sure about what lies ahead for me in my post-colligiate life. I just know it is something I have to take head-on. There is a whole new life for me to start. So to all underclassmen, I would advise  you to cherish the time you have at this university while you still have it. Make these years the best of your lives. In your years here remember to take chances, try new things, and meet new people. As for the class of Spring 2013, remember the good times, get your affairs in order, and get ready for a enitrely new stage of you lives.

-Jack Barnett

 Op-Ed Editor

 The Quad

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