Thu. May 2nd, 2024

For some, the thought of waking up at 6:00 a.m. for a slice of adventure is simply that –a thought.  But for West Chester University student James Vadas, the thought of adventure is anything but.  This summer, Vadas plans on biking across the United States, from Providence, Rhode Island, to Seattle, Washington.  And if that was not enough, Vadas plans on teaming up with non-profit organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together to help tackle a growing problem in the United States: affordable housing. [pullquote align=”left” speaker=”James Vadas”]I am most looking forward to the affordable housing aspect of the trip. I can’t wait to actively participate in the communities that we visit and contribute to the affordable housing cause in our country.[/pullquote]

For Vadas and the team he is traveling with, biking about 71 miles daily is all in a day’s work, and on days Vadas does not bike he will build homes.  The organization putting together this venture, Bike and Build, immediately appealed to Vadas. “I had already begun planning to ride across the country independently when I found about Bike and Build. Being able to ride my bicycle across the country while making a positive impact on the communities that I visit seemed like the perfect opportunity to experience the United States.”

The organization providing this perfect opportunity, Bike and Build, is a non-profit organization that has raised over 5.1 million dollars for charity events focusing on affordable housing.  Bike and build has completed over 185,000 hours, and pedaled well over 8.5 million miles.  For Vadas and his fellow riders, the planned route will have them build in places like Coloumbus Ohio, yellow stone, Missoula Mt, and Spokane Washington.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban development considers housing to be affordable for low-income families if the total cost of hosing does not exceed 30 percent of the family’s gross income, and according to the U.S. census bureau, this numbered over 40 million households in 2011.  Also according to the U.S. census bureau, there are 121.1 million households in the United States, which means roughly one-third of the households in the United States are not considered “affordable” by the census bureau.

By combining Vadas’ passion for long-distance endurance training along with his desire to see much of the U.S., as well as a wish to help out others, Vadas and Bike and Build seem like the perfect fit.

However, preparing physically for the trip is not enough; Vadas must also raise financial support as well.  Before he begins his journey on May 10, Vadas must raise over $4,500 for food and other necessary supplies.  Anyone interested in helping Vadas on his journey can visit his biker’s profile at  Alternatively, anyone interested in learning more about Bike and Build in general can visit .

“I am incredibly excited to get started.” Vadas says.  “I am most looking forward to the affordable housing aspect of the trip.  I can’t wait to actively participate in the communities that we visit and contribute to the affordable housing cause in our country.”

Adam Farence is a fourth-year student majoring in French and history. He can be reached at AF764146@wcupa.ed.

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