Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

Anjelica Finore is a famous face on West Chester’s campus. As a co-host of WCU Weekly, a sister of Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, and a WCU Leadership Consultant, Finore is the epitome of the involved West Chester student, but that almost wasn’t the case.

Finore hated West Chester her freshman year, and almost transferred, but getting involved and getting her feet wet with numerous opportunities convinced her to stay. “There’s a place for you here, you just have to find it,” said Finore, who is currently in her junior year.

A communication studies major with a focus on broadcast and media, Finore has always known she wanted to work in an entertainment-related field. “Always growing up, I was like ‘I’m gonna be an actress,’” said Finore with a laugh. While she wouldn’t mind being on camera, Finore wants to work on a production set, like SNL or QVC as a producer.

Finore’s role on WCU Weekly is great preparation for a future career in entertainment. “Weekly is my favorite [organization],” said Finore after a long pause. “I feel like I’ve learned more from Weekly than I have in any class here.” Adding to the list of Finore’s skills and stellar 3.8 GPA, she’s learned technical skills, how to interview people, how to communicate effectively, and so much more.

Even with her involvement in WCU Weekly, DPhiE, WCUR, PRSSA, SIC and the WC Leadership Consultant program, Finore is not technically on the Executive Board of any of those organizations. Though it clearly doesn’t matter as her involvement speaks for her dedication to helping these organizations succeed.

When giving advice to others, Finore’s advice is to ask for advice. “No one is going to come to you in college. You have to seek out those opportunities,” she said. Finore strongly recommends everyone getting involved and remaining persistent. “You have the opportunity to meet new people, make memories, create a name for yourself, and have a purpose at school besides school,” said Finore, leaving the “so why wouldn’t you get involved?” unsaid.

Finore gets recognized on campus regularly, like one of West Chester’s own celebrities. “There’s a girl in Starbucks and she calls me the girl with the hair on TV,” said Finore, clearly humble about her “fame.” She even mentioned how during formal recruitment, women going through the process would tell her “how she looked so familiar,” but Finore would just say “oh maybe you’ve seen me around” instead of taking the opportunity to recognize her accomplishments.

When asked about what legacy she wants to leave at West Chester, Finore had a simple answer. “I want to be remembered as someone that was always positive and had a good energy. When you’re stressed it can reflect on how you treat other people.”

Finore’s life motto seems to be the Lucille Ball quote, “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.”

With her long list of extracurriculars, Finore is the perfect example of a student taking advantage of the numerous opportunities West Chester has to offer.

Victoria Holt is a fourth-year student majoring in communications studies with minors in journalism and political science.  She can be reached at

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