Fri. May 3rd, 2024

Let’s start with the basics; introduce yourself, to those who don’t know you. Hi, I’m Voss. I’m about to be 22 on April 30th. Buy me things. I’m a BA in English with a Creative Writing minor and I’m about to graduate.

I will live in a box for the rest of my life. I enjoy cheap beers, good conversation, pretty women and clean shoes. Oh and rapping. And shamelessly promoting said rapping.

When and where are your upcoming shows?

Funny you asked.I’ve got a HUGE show coming up on April 16th in Main Hall 168 at 7 PM. Not only is it the release show for my “How ‘Bout Now?” EP (which will be the best work I’ve ever released), but it is my LAST free on-campus show EVER here.

My good friends Reese, Blak Spyda and Jake Palumbo will be performing as well, and it will be hosted by my man Blackwolf. It will be amazing.

If anyone reading this has never had the pleasure of seeing me live, your presence at this show will completely make up for missing four years of my performances.

Also, after of now (because more could come) I’ve got a show in Philly coming up with Reese at the Trocadero, which I have advance tickets for. You gotta be 21 or over though.

Also, I’ll have a reunion show with my roommate and good friend Josh Loss at Fennario Coffee in town (111 N. Church St.) on April 23rd. I play a lot of shows and take a lot of pride in my stage presence and live performance. So making it to at least one of those shows would be recommended to anyone whobreathes.

Where does your musical inspiration come from?

This sounds terribly cliché, but life itself. My surroundings and what I see and hear influence me. I have songs that are delivered from a first person perspective, but are based on a collage made from friends and acquaintances’ stories, and/or my own imagination.

But I’m also heavily influenced by my own thoughts and experiences, of course. As far as other writers and musicians, that list could take up this entire newspaper and then some. I’ll just say Bob Dylan, Nas and Fiona Apple for now.

How long have you been making music?

I’ve been recording music seriously since I was 16, I believe. Might have been 17. Let’s say 5-6 years. I’ve been rapping since I was 14, but didn’t start taking it seriously till around 16. Those have been the longest 5-6 years of my life in many ways.

Out of all the music you’ve written, do you have a single favorite (or top 5)?

Oooh, good question. And impossible. I have a hard time judging myself or ranking myself, because I don’t want to come off as EVEN MORE arrogant than most people mistakenly think I am (it’s all an act, I swear).

But I must admit that I am very proud of all nine of the songs on my EP that is coming out on the 16th, mainly “Miss Teflon,” produced by my man Jake Palumbo and the last track, “Now,” produced by Rob Devious, for completely different reasons.

“Miss Teflon” has a great, bluesy beat and a catchy, witty hook that I actually kinda almost but not really sing on. I just really dig that one.

And “Now” is more of an emotional, stream of consciousness “end all, be all” type track.with a completely different, but equally crazy beat. I just love that whole EP. Can’t wait to release it. Oh, and I really hate “Beauty Sleep” now, even though most kids around here love it.

I’ve heard people say, you know you’re doing something right when people hate you. Do you believe that’s accurate?

Well I’ve heard that a handful of people DO hate me. Not completely sure why, or if that means I’m doing anything “right”.

But, I don’t really pay them any mind. I have tried to figure out why someone would hate me, and usually it has to do with my music and how I promote it.

I guess it gets under some folks’ skin. That goes back to that whole “arrogant jerk” misconception people seem to have of me. And sometimes their girlfriend has a crush on me. Y’know, stuff like that.

Have you hit any brick walls in your career?

Only when I’m not looking where I’m going.

But seriously, I’ve had some obstacles in my way, and some major setbacks like canceled shows, bad crowds, broken promises and just letdowns in general. But they’re always caused by outside forces, so I just leave them behind and keep pressing on (that’s in a song of mine called “Motivanthem” on “Moodswinging Vol. 1” ). Learning from a setback will only help you propel forward.

What is the ultimate direction you’d like your music to take you?


Mike Voss can be found through several mediums,, or through the Voss fan page and fan groups on Facebook.

Joli McCarthy is a fourth-year student majoring in English and minoring in journalism. She can be reached at

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