Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Image: Storytelling and Confidence Workshop Flyer

David Gold, a junior theater major at West Chester University who recently lost his dad, has been working on a short film, titled, “The Man Made of Iron.” This short film touches on his loss and how he persevered through it.

Gold was featured in the “Three Sisters” play as Vershinin, a Russian general, after which he wanted to continue his drive and creativity. “The Man Made of Iron” highlights his journey through the life changes he experienced following his father’s passing. He wanted to do more with theater and filming, deciding this short film would be a great opportunity to follow through with his passions. 

In addition to the project, Gold has been reaching out to people who have stories that would contribute to the trailer and its message. This trailer will also feature snippets of other theater majors that David had the pleasure of working with at WCU. 

Gold is holding a Confidence and Storytelling workshop on Friday, May 3, from 4:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m. in Brandywine Hall, Room 033. The panelists that Gold has sought out include himself, a theater major with a passion for what he does; Alex Jones, a junior Criminal Justice major and rapper better known as $well; and Amit Ghose, a UK confidence coach and influencer on and off his highly-followed TikTok page. Updates on event details can be seen on the @artsatwcu Instagram stories the day of the event. 

Gold will open this Storytelling and Confidence Workshop by talking about the storytelling side to this event, as well as what storytelling is all about. He will also express his personal story and present the self-discovery journey he went on while creating this short film. 

Next, Amit Ghose will follow up with a talk on confidence and self-belief. Ghose has a rare genetic condition called Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). More information on his life journey and diagnosis can be seen on his TikTok page, @amitghosenf1, and his website here. Following the workshop, a preview of the trailer for Gold’s short film, “Man Made of Iron,” will play, and the workshop will close out with a performance of $well’s original produced song, also called “Man Made of Iron,” recorded specifically for the short film. Rapper $well is an artist who uses his art to express his feelings about current, past and future life events. 

$well may make an appearance during Ramboree, which will take place the same day as this event. He will be performing his own music — be on the lookout alongside other activities happening at Ramboree.

This event is made to spark questions and feedback regarding navigating confidence and the art of storytelling. All WCU students are welcome to come. This event is in affiliation with the Theater Department and Dance Department. Come build confidence through these panelists and their art! 


Skyler Wick is a fifth-year Communications major with a concentration in Public Relations and minor in Media Studies.

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