Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

The smell of cookies baking in the kitchen 

 A smell that floats through the air 

Balsam fir is smelled just a smidgen 

From the candle placed next to the chair   


Standing tall and fierce in the corner of the room,  

Behold a tree oh so beautiful and bright  

The dainty ornaments to be hung soon, 

the room filled with cheerful laughs and excite 


The air filling with love and warmth 

As the fireplace burns into the night 

Family arriving from everywhere but the North,  

Perusing the outdoors for the Christmas lights 


Beneath the tree lie shiny boxes of joy,  

Placed with the highest expectations of neatness 

Unwrapped; reveals the surprise of a toy, 

With a smile full of sweetness 


Kelly Logothetis is a third-year Secondary Education English major.

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