Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

The chance to take college classes overseas is something some of us dream of doing, especially if it’s at a place you’ve always wanted to go to. Here at our university, the study abroad season is soon approaching, and if you want the opportunity to feed your adventurous side while also fulfilling the duties of taking classes, then this might be your chance. So here are 2 departments with different study abroad program opportunities.


The Department of Languages and Cultures 

The French study abroad program will take place in Liyon, France. The summer program will run from June 1, 2023, through June 27, 2023. The estimated cost will be around $4,400 and the application deadline is Dec. 15, 2022. You’re required to have a COVID vaccination and a GPA of 3.25 or more. Just like some study abroad programs, airfare is not included and would cost you around $1,200. For more information on this, you can contact Dr. Roxane Petit-Rasselle, Program Director in 235 Mitchell Hall, at There’s also a German study abroad happening as well. That summer program takes place in Vienna, Austria and is from June 10th, 2023 through July 8, 2023. The application deadline is Feb. 6, 2023, and you’ll be required to earn six credits in German 102 or higher. The estimated cost is around $3,696 and if you want more information on the program, you can contact Dr. Joseph Moser at 610-436-0062 or For the Spanish study abroad program, they offer a slew of different locations to study across the year. More specifically, for the summer in Barcelona, Spain, it’s a three or six week program, and you can earn 3 or 6 credits. If you want more information on this, you can contact Dr. Maria Van Liew at 123 Mitchell Hall, 610-430-4746, or other study abroad locations on the WCU website.


Department of Business and Communications

A lot of these applications closed last week (Oct. 15 specifically). These included a spring term study abroad in Berlin, Germany; Dublin, Ireland and London, England. However, there are still some available, like the opportunity to study abroad in Paris, France, with the specific course being International Studies, earning 3 credits. The term starts from Jan. 6, 2023, through Jan. 28, 2023, and the application deadline is Oct.22. The minimum GPA is a 2.8 and is open to all students at the university no matter the year, and you don’t need prior knowledge of learning French. Most students are given financial aid for the program as well. There’s also a business study abroad opportunity in Lisbon, Portugal. You’ll be able to earn three credits in a business-related course that is taught from Jan. 7, 2023 through Jan. 22, 2023. It’s open to all students and requires a minimum GPA of 2.5. For communications specifically, in Barcelona, Spain, you’ll be able to delve more into social media, photojournalism and Spanish media, with a focus on the media landscape and journalism in Spanish society. Three different terms are available in either spring, summer or fall. For the spring term, the deadline was Oct. 15. The summer term is Feb. 15, 2023, and the fall term is March 15, 2023.

There are way more departments that offer study abroad programs for next year. You can go to to learn more. Studying abroad seems like a great experience that a lot of students who take the leap don’t regret. So if everything aligns for you personally and the opportunity presents itself, then I think you should highly consider it.

Isaiah Ireland is a second-year media & culture major.

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