Fri. Apr 26th, 2024

As a supporter of Planned Parenthood, I never thought I’d see the day where I would thank Rush Limbaugh. On Feb. 17, the controversial, ultra-conservative radio host died. On that same day, a ‘leftist scum’ meme account, “quentin.quarentino,” posted a $100 donation to Planned Parenthood “in memory of Rush Limbaugh.” The post, which was meant to be ironic, ended up going viral and raised $1,000,000 for Planned Parenthood in three days, which surely made Limbaugh roll in his grave. 

Tommy Marcus, a 25-year-old University of Michigan alumni, is the person behind the @quentin.quarentino Instagram account. According to the news site Good, Marcus started this account at the beginning of quarantine, and it continued to thrive. The progressive, politically-charged meme account has amassed over 600k followers during the past year. In August, Marcus started donating 20% of the proceeds he received from his platform to various charities. He is also known to call out politicians in a rather blunt and brutal fashion. Marcus told VICE, “Rush Limbaugh has been someone who’s spent decades clogging the airwaves with sexist, homophobic, racist, endlessly discriminatory propaganda…he is really, to me, the embodiment of Trump’s America, of hatred, of the division that we see in our country right now.” 

Limbaugh played a major role in polarizing the country. According to The Washington Post, he infamously campaigned against birth control and freedom of choice. Previously, Limbaugh has publicly called feminists “feminazis.” Also, according to The Washington Post in 2012, he called Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” because she proposed mandating coverage for contraceptives in health care. These are just a few examples of the severe disdain the radically pro-life radio host showed in the past.

Social media accounts need to be aware of the power they hold in the digital age. Even a meme account that is meant to be satirical can spark a movement and a conversation. According to @quentin.quarentino’s Instagram, the total fundraised for the Rush Limbaugh memorial fund for Planned Parenthood was more than $1.2 million. There was also a spike in press coverage, which will potentially raise more awareness of how Planned Parenthood provides women with necessary services. On Instagram, @quentin.quarentino wrote, “We’ve radically impacted one of the most necessary, most unfairly politicized and unduly demonized organizations in this country. Three days. That’s how profound an impact this platform has. That’s how profound an impact each one of you has.” After he completed this fundraiser, he participated in a live stream with Planned Parenthood’s president and CEO Alexis McHrill Johnson. This provided further information and attention to the topic in a more professional and less sarcastic way.

Accounts with large platforms need to be aware of the power they can harness with a single post. Activists should use this as a prime example of how viral content can ripple through the internet and create change at unprecedented rates.

As students raised in the digital age, next time there is an issue you want to call attention to, remember that change can start from unlikely places. If we have a platform, we have a place to use our voice, and a bit of creativity and humor seem to work well with society’s sense of humor in the current climate. This year has proved WCU students’ resilience with adapting to remote learning, and it proves the reminder that we can make change when we come together.

Shannon Vennie is a senior Marketing major with a minor in Media & Culture.

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