Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

Dear West Chester University,

In my first letter, almost a year ago, I said that I enjoyed dramatic beginnings almost as much as I enjoy dramatic endings. I wrote that line with the assumption that, somehow, we would never reach that ending. Yet, here we are, and it’s time to say good bye.

My time with The Quad has been nothing but formative, inspiring and life-changing. I still haven’t grown accustomed to not using the Oxford Comma, but aside from that, I could not discuss this experience more positively.

One of our copy editors, Caroline Fritz, once mentioned the infectiousness (and importance) of mutual enthusiasm. This may be my favorite description of our office: enthusiasm and energy only matched by the passion of our editorial board and staff. Coming to Sunday has been an adventure, a service and a social all in one. I wouldn’t have it any other way, frankly. I wouldn’t trade the diversions into Game of Thrones lore, perfectly mixed with discussions on the future of our campus., for anything. The concoction displays the care these students have for our university.

Never forget that you can love a place and still criticize it with the intention of improving it. I would say that I have a great deal of Ram Pride, but this doesn’t have to separate from my desire to see the university better itself each year. This push for change often lies on the shoulders of students. I have been honored to help give these students a platform when they need it.

Remember, too, that you don’t have to help others the same way they help you.

Olivia Bortner, Domenica Castro, Caroline Fritz and Sunny Morgan are graduating this semester as well. Please send forth your best intentions, as we all jump into the next stage of our journey. Once again, a series of congratulations are in order for Samantha Walsh and Ashley Martindale as they take the mantle of leadership in The Quad’s future. Sam will be announcing the rest of our new staff in the next issue, which I am super excited to see.

Onward and outward, West Chester University.

Max James


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