Dear West Chester,
Happy April! I can’t believe this semester is coming so close to the end… especially when there are days still calling for snow.
With this being our seventh issue of the semester already, it was that time again to hold elections for our new editor-in-chief and managing editor for next year. I am so pleased to announce that Max James, our current features editor, will be taking my place as editor-in-chief for the 2018-2019 school year! Max has already brought up so many innovative ideas for how The Quad can improve even further, and I cannot wait to see where he takes it with his very capable leadership. Additionally, I am so excited to announce our new managing editor, Olivia Bortner! Olivia is currently a copy editor, but even in the short amount of time she’s been on staff, she has proven herself to be so hard-working, passionate and committed to The Quad. I know I’ll be so sad to graduate and have to leave behind such a wonderful organization, but at least I can leave happily knowing that it’s being left in great hands.
Speaking of copy editors, The Quad is currently hiring two for the next academic year! I personally got my start on staff as a copy editor and absolutely loved it; if you love writing and editing and have a great eye for it, then this job is for you. You do have to have a solid knowledge of AP style, but don’t let that deter you from applying—I personally didn’t learn it until I applied to be a copy editor. If you’re interested, email me at for the application.
Well, that’s all for this week! We have a jam-packed issue (40 whopping pages!), so make sure you take a glance through every section, as there are some exceptional articles in here. As always, have a wonderful week, West Chester!