The spring 2018 semester is coming to a close. We’re almost out for the summer but first, we have to get past the assignments piling up on our desks, the deadlines that haunt our dreams and events quickly approaching.
Somewhere in our busy schedules, we have to find time to take care of ourselves. Instagram and Twitter have been flooded with these self-care pages and threads lately. But no one is discussing what self care is and why it is so important.
Self care is whatever action one chooses to take to be their best, both physically and mentally. It’s said to help improve mood, anxiety, depression and aids in the release of tension in the body – depending on what actions are taken.
Self care shouldn’t just be a hashtag. It should be incorporated into your everyday schedules.
Unsure of where or how to start? Keep reading for a few ideas. Remember, baby steps. Take it day by day.
Keep it simple and pamper yourself in the comfort of your dorm room or apartment with a face mask. Pick one up at your local pharmacy or beauty supply store.
My favorite face mask is the Aztec Indian Healing clay mask. You can honestly feel your face pulsate as it pulls the gunk out your pores! It sounds kind of gross but it’s so worth it in the end.
Treat yourself! I know your favorite store is having a sale this week. Buy that item you’ve been letting collect dust in the checkout cart.
I have this app called “Dote” where I can shop from multiple stores at once, putting items from different stores in one cart at checkout. I can’t say I treat myself only once a week with this app.
Wind down. Stretch. Do some yoga. Some deep breathing.
Yes, breathe! Especially if you feel like you haven’t been able to. It’s perfectly acceptable and even healthy to take a break and recoup.
TGIT! Enjoy some of those Netflix series you’ve been meaning to start or catch up on. Grab your favorite snacks, the comfiest pair of sweatpants you can find and binge watch to your heart’s desire.
Go out with your friends. Remember them? You know, the ones you blew off because you’ve been hiding under a rock trying your hardest to complete all those assignments by 11:59 p.m.?
Yeah, those ones. Go out with them. Get out of your room, breathe that fresh air and enjoy some time with your friends.
Now, you’re probably feeling bad about that cheat day I encouraged you to take. No worries! Sweat off the guilt and the pounds you’ve convinced yourself you’ve gained in that one day at the gym. You pay for the Rec Center here on campus as part of your tuition. Might as well put it to use.
Speak positivity into your life. Speak that job into existence, that A, that scholarship—speak it! The week is over but that doesn’t mean you go back to not taking care of you.
Your self-care week shouldn’t just be a week. Make it a routine. Incorporate it into your lifestyle. Feel free to add some things to your self-care week. Maybe you want to cut back on the time spent on social media. Replace that cheat day with a gym day.
Do what makes you feel good and be consistent with it. None of the things that are causing you stress, maybe even anxiety or depression, will get completed or accomplished to your best ability if you are not your best you.
With that being said, take care of yourself. If this article helped you through this week or even just a day or two, I’m glad to say I helped you help you.
Milan White is a fourth-year student majoring in communications. ✉
Loved the article!!!