Dear West Chester,
Well, it’s been an interesting week for sure. I know the morale on campus has been dampened since Donald Trump was elected president, but I am glad to see that students have remained calm and peaceful, kind and caring to one another. With aggressive protests and flag burnings occuring across the country, I’m glad to see students from our campus expressing their views and anger in healthy ways. You can see some excellent examples of this in our Op-Ed section.
Despite what has happened, we still have fun, exciting events to share with you in our paper. Our Entertainment Editor Eric Ryan recently interviewed CEO Gary Mekikian, co-founder Tracy Mekikian, Chief of Product Corey Jones and Stanford student Sohaib Shaikh to spread the news about the new music app, Trebel Music, which allows you to download and listen to nearly any piece of music for free and without data usage. Get reviews of our soccer and football team in our Sports section, and check out the Creative Writing Club’s newest edition of their series.
Have a good week West Chester. Keep your heads up, and keep working hard. We only have one more issue of The Quad, and there’s only a few weeks left of the semester. Stay strong, the end is near!