Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The argument for Donald Trump to win the Nobel Peace Prize is stronger than President Barack Obama’s in 2009, a fact Obama himself could hardly refute.

In his acceptance speech, Obama himself notes “the most profound issue surrounding my receipt of this prize is the fact that I am the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars.”

The question then becomes “are wars fought in the name of peace?” If so, Trump’s plan to “hit ISIS hard and fast” should hardly appear controversial.

Indeed, if Obama’s acceptance of the prize sets precedent, the logical thought would be to suggest military involvement in war as a determining criteria for future award winners.

Thus, if Trump wins the presidency and initiates a new war, his case for winning should be bolstered based on Obama’s Peace Prize victory.

Trump’s nomination was announced on Tuesday, Feb. 2, and his odds to win the award cannot be considered a laughable joke.

Although it remains uncertain who cast the nomination for America’s popular and mischaracterized political figure, the Norwegian Nobel Committee only accepts nominations from a select group.

Firstly, members of the committee must be of national assemblies and governments of states and members of international courts.

They must also be university rectors; professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology; directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes.

Additionally, they must have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, must be board members of organizations and must be an active and former member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee.

Strengthening his case further, Trump has played an instrumental role in initiating charitable work for the betterment of humanity.

His son’s organization, The Eric Trump Foundation, has been involved in raising money for the terminally-ill at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Eric Trump’s non-profit organization pledged $20 million dollars to the healthcare provider in 2015 alone.

More astonishing than the substantial monetary donations is the success the organization has had in helping to beat childhood cancer.

According to the non-profit’s website, in 2013, “The Eric Trump Foundation AMKL (Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia) Research Lab, in conjunction with the Washington University Pediatric Cancer Genome Project, made a groundbreaking discovery and identified a critical fusion gene responsible for almost 30% of a rare subtype of childhood Leukemia.”

In comparison, Obama’s paltry contribution of $329,100 out of $5.5 million in 2009—the year he won the prize— barely qualifies as providing the hope that young, terminally ill children need to enjoy their own life, their individual liberty and their everlasting pursuit of American happiness.

As we have already seen, Trump’s case for the Nobel Peace, driven by his “vigorous peace through strength ideology,” is cause for inspiration.

Working to deter global terrorism and supporting a battle against childhood cancer are reasons to believe.

A successful presidential bid would be worthy of celebration—a celebration of our power to make America great again. The Nobel Peace Prize would be icing on a sweet, sweet election cake.

Zigmund E. Reichenbach is a second-year graduate student seeking to earn his M.A. in philosophy. He can be reached at 

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