Sat. Sep 7th, 2024

One of the most important things you can do in college is get involved. Joining clubs and being a part of organizations can be really beneficial for all students. I am sure you hear this all the time from parents and teachers, to get involved, but take it from an actual college student: Being a part of a club or organization can be really rewarding in more ways than one.

Being involved in clubs allows you to be involved in the student community here at West Chester University. By being a member of a club or organization on campus, you get to meet so many new people and make connections with West Chester students.

Being in a club gives you the power to have an influence and to help and inspire not just West Chester students, but people within the West Chester community as well. There are so many clubs and organizations to choose from here at West Chester University, we offer sports clubs, academic clubs, Greek life organizations, media clubs, equality and diversity clubs, and so much more! No matter what your major is, there is most likely a club here to go along with it. Which is another great reason to join a club, it can help you gain experience within your major and could even lead to possible internships. Being a member of a club or organization is a great way to start networking and meeting other people who share the same passion as you.

Not only do clubs and organizations help you on a professional level, they can also help you on a social level. There are so many people to meet and friends to be made in all of our clubs and organizations. Being involved in clubs is a great way to meet these people and make lifelong friends. It gives you a feeling of security knowing that you have people that you can turn to and who will help you and support you. Some of these clubs and organizations become like a family here at West Chester, and it is always nice to have that kind of support system, especially at college when you may be far from home and on your own for the first time. Sometimes that little family away from home is just what is needed, and these clubs can provide that.

Taking initiative to join a club was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made as a college student. Joining one of our clubs is definitely something to consider. Go to to take a look at all of the clubs and organizations we have to offer here at West Chester University!

You can also find clubs on orgsync. You should have made an account during orientation. The president’s email address is always on the orgsync page. Most clubs also have Facebook pages or Twitter accounts. If you search WCU and the  club’s name, it usually comes up.

Sadie Markley can be reached at

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