Hi West Chester,
As you know from last week’s letter, Adam Farence has officially retired from his position as Editor-in-Chief of the Quad News. I am his replacement, Theresa Kelly. Adam gave me a piece of advice when I first started: “Always try to be better than the person who came before you.” I don’t know if that’s possible – Adam did such a great job for the paper – but I do know that I’m going to try my best. I was the Features Editor this past year, so it’s odd to be saying goodbye to that section, but I am very excited to be the new Editor-in-Chief of the paper.
In the next year, I really hope to encourage new writers to get involved with the paper! Are you the president or public relations chair for a club? Do you have an event coming up? Write a features article. Do you love reporting? News is the section for you. Strong opinions? Op-Ed could be your new home. Sports is always looking for people to attend games and report. Have strong opinions on TV, music, and more? Write for entertainment. If you want to take photographs, the photography department always welcomes new photographers.
To email any of the section editors, you can look at the header in the section for contact information. The email addresses are usually Quad and then the name of the section. For example, quadnews@wcupa.edu is Casey Tobias’ news section. This is our last issue for this year, but you can always write for our special summer issue! It gets handed out to every student and parent at freshman orientation. Email me at quadeic@wcupa.edu to write for it. Unrelated to the paper, we’re almost done with classes. I hope everyone has a great finals week and aces their exams!
Theresa Kelly