Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

WCUR and WCU Skate Club will be hosting AIDS Blockade on Oct. 21 to raise money and awareness of AIDS. There will be live music, free food, raffle tickets and other handouts in front of University Hall starting at 4 p.m. “I came up with the idea of having a benefit concert over the summer. I became very interested in the ONE campaign, and after they had their big concert of Live 8 this summer, I thought ‘Why couldn’t I do that at West Chester?'” said Katie Hazzard, Head of Special Events at WCUR. “Obviously AIDS is a big deal across the globe but I felt that people, especially college students were still being naive about the situation thinking that unproctected sex in West Chester can not harm them, so in having this concert we would raise awareness on the issue by providing entertainment and hopefully get some donations for the organization to help find a cure for this awful plague.” There will be three live bands performing at AIDS Blockade: Harsh Reaction, Leaving Cash and Sure Juror. AIDS Blockade will also involve the WCU Skate Club, a new student organization on campus. Representives from the organization will be at the event to inform students about upcoming events.

The Health Center will be present giving out condoms, providing information about testing and also providing information about AIDS. WCUR will be collecting donations for the AIDS Fund in Philadelphia. To make a donation before or after the event, you can contact Katie Hazzard at This outdoor event will be outside of University Hall. The live entertainment and events will be a perfect event for a Friday afternoon on campus.

To learn more about WCUR, visit their Web site at www.wcur. fm or stop by their office on the second floor of Sykes.

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