Fri. Jul 26th, 2024


This is my last issue as op-ed editor of The Quad. It has been a great   year. It was a great honor to be able to voice my opinion and others’ sometimes different opinions in every issue. It was a joy to be part of such a great organization. I would suggest to everyone to get involved in The Quad, which is staffed by great, competent people. Everyone does a great job here. I would like to thank our editor Kenny Ayres who happily will be returning next year. I would also like to thank our faculty adviser Dr. Philip A. Thompsen who helps us when we need it, but gives us a great deal of autonomy – yet another reason why I love this organization. The Quad is truly student run. West Chester students make the decisions and do the work. Many responsibilities come with this independence, but we rise to the challenge. If I have to make any apologies it is to the copy editors who had to suffer through my numerous typos and misspellings. My tenure at The Quad has certainly been worthwhile; I just hope my readership feels the same way. If you are reading this, then I would just like to extend a “thank you.” The readership moves The Quad forward. All year long, you all read my liberal, progressive spiels and rants. I just hope you enjoyed my writings. In the end, you are the people I want to thank the most.

This would be a more solemn occasion if I did not know The Quad was being passed to capable hands. My successor, Joy Wilson, is sure to be a great addition. If you have read the section this year, then you probably have read an article by Joy. It was amazing how I could always count on an article from her, proof of what a dedicated hard-worker she is. We have similar ideals, but a very different way of executing our work. In my writing, I am more rigid, focusing on a barrage of facts, while Joy is much less rigid, focusing on ideas. She has a great flair for writing and it shows. The Quad is due for a great change next year. I, for one, could not be happier.

In conclusion, I would just like to say good-bye. My time at The Quad has been great. I would never trade this opportunity for anything else. I have learned and grown with this job. It has been great writing for this newspaper. I hope you have enjoyed my section and will enjoy the section in the future.

~Jack Barnett

Op-Ed Editor

The Quad

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