The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Alliance office has created a new, free pin for students. ,The pin was created, according to Sally Cramer LGBTA president, to raise visibility on campus. Also people can now show their support without having to attend an ally program, which is an hour long session, for anyone interested, that trains students how to be allys or friends of this community. A pin is given to people who have finished the ally session. The original pin had a rainbow on it. However some people may be afraid that people will automatically consider them gay for wearing a pin that has a rainbow on it, so the new pin is simply black with a white design. It was created by Jeremy Zimmerman, who is a LGBTA member.LGBTA is an administrative office within student affairs that offers a “safe space” for students and as a resource for the rest of the WCU community, according to the LGBTA website. They host a variety of events that range from entertaining to educational programs.
Examples of these events include outreach programs, peer support and student groups. The office is run by a coordinator, Jackie Hodes, an assistant coordinator and volunteers.
Wearing this pin shows thatyou are a supporter of Queer, LGBTA people and non-discrimination, according to the Q&A fact sheet that comes along with the pin. Queer is a term that many LGBTA members are using to define people who do not fit into any categories or belong to more than one category. A queer person is not necessarily considered LGBT. The pins are available at the LGBTA meetings or at the LGBTA office in Sykes room 233.
LGBTA provides answers to any questions at their meetings, which are open to anyone interested.
The meetings are on Monday night at 7:15 in Sykes room 254.
For any questions or concerns the LGBTA e-mail is