Thu. Apr 25th, 2024


Though the semester is coming to an end and The Quad is signing off for the year, I am excited to begin serving as your op-ed editor. As I look forward to the journey ahead, I would like to make a few promises to the staff here at The Quad, to you (our readership), and finally, to myself.

To our staff: I promise to fill Jack Barnett’s shoes to the fullest of my capabilities. I promise to adhere to deadlines, to commit all my effort to each issue, and to always arrive with a smile. To the copy editors, I vow to fix as many typos and mistakes as I can find to make your jobs as simple as possible. To our editor-in-chief, Kenny Ayers, I swear to at least attempt to fix my own problems before bothering you. To all the section editors (except sports, sorry guys), I promise to lend my hand to cover stories whenever I can. Lastly, to my writers, I pledge to always appreciate both your efforts and your opinions.

To our readers: Though I will share my opinions, I vow to always be receptive to every side of an issue. I promise to present my opinions honestly, to research diligently, and to share my thoughts openly. I guarantee I will strive with each and every edition to impact your lives, and I promise to welcome your feedback as often as you share it. I accept the responsibility of representing the West Chester student body and all of the trials that may accompany it.

To myself: I promise to challenge myself with new ideas. I pledge to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to learn, and to bring my own talents and creativity to each edition.

As I look forward to my first semester as op-ed editor of The Quad, I also look forward to my last as both op-ed editor and West Chester University student. When I graduate this December, I know I will have so much to look back on, with my semester as an editor encompassing many of my best memories. But before I start looking too far ahead, I look to the approaching summer.

For some lucky students, summer will be the beginning of a new adventure after college. Congratulations to all those graduating and good luck. Though pessimists point to a weakened economy and lack of jobs, West Chester graduates enter the rat race with an advantage. West Chester students have had every opportunity to be leaders, to learn from those more experienced, and to equip themselves for the competition that awaits them. I have no doubt in the success that will follow this year’s graduates into their futures.

For other, and maybe even luckier students, the summer ahead is a beach chair, some cold iced tea, and a scarcely used alarm clock. Summer means catching up with old friends, visiting family, and relaxing by the poolside. For these students, summer will likely not be long enough or hot enough, but the much needed hiatus will refresh and invigorate them for their return to campus next semester.

Lastly, a third group of students plow into summer with the same drive and ambition carrying them through finals. This group of students will fill their summers with experience. Whether at summer jobs, internships, or diligently working ahead on projects for school organizations, they will continue summer preparing for their futures. Though I would like to join my ice tea sipping classmates by the pool, I find myself in this third group, and I look forward to coming out the other side of summer more experienced, more prepared, and more excited than ever.

No matter how you plan to spend your summer this year, the possibilities lurking ahead will surely be more than enough to be thankful for every day. Warm weather is just around the corner. Now, let’s tackle those finals.

Joy Wilson is a fourth-year student majoring in communications with a minor in studio art. She can be reached at

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