Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

To the Editor:
My friends and I want to urge other WCU students to think twice before ordering from Culinary Deliveries after a recent experience we had with the business earlier this month.
We ordered three of Culinary’s wraps for dinner, which totaled around $30. However, after finishing our meal and looking at the menu, I noticed an advertisement that read “WCU Culinary Dorm Specials: Buy 2 Wraps, Get 3rd Free” printed on the back. Confused as to why we were not given this deal, one of my friends called Culinary back to ask.
After explaining the situation to the employee who answered the phone, she was transferred to the owner and then explained what happened to him. The owner informed her that unless the advertisement is mentioned at the time of order that the special is not given.
My friend, who works in retail, as do I, said that in her line of work if a customer does not know about a sale but the employee does, the sale is given to the customer anyway as a sign of good business and customer service. Furthermore, she said if a special is advertised, then it should be an automatic documentation at the point of sale. If the special advertises a free wrap, then a free wrap should be given automatically.
However, the owner did not agree with her and said that that is not how it’s done. He then told her that there are plenty of other places to order from in West Chester and that he hoped she had better business with them. He then hung up the phone before she could respond.
I find it incredibly surprising that this business that obviously caters to enough WCU students to advertise specials that apply strictly to the university would treat its customers this rudely. Wouldn’t it want to satisfy the customers who bring in the most money?
It’s also amazing that the OWNER was the person who told my friend to order from another business, and then hung up on her. If he would have apologized and given us some sort of compensation, whether that be the money for one wrap, or even a free wrap in a future purchase, then this entire issue could have been avoided and Culinary Deliveries would still have my friends and I as customers.
Whatever happened to the old saying, “the customer is always right?”
Kelli Snyder
WCU junior

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