Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Well hello, West Chester! How was your weekend? I’ve heard homecoming was quite..enthralling? Congratulations to both LGBTQA and Inter-Greek Council for winning first place in the parade and as Homecoming royalty (respectively)! Though I wasn’t there to see it, I’m sure it was a beautiful purple-and-gold-filled day. Now, my absence from Homecoming Weekend was not meant as a lack of school spirit. I simply know how rowdy it gets all over campus due to the various activities, and I chose to distance myself from it (for two reasons):

1 – I’m a very socially quiet person, and large crowds are just not that appealing to me. I’m also kind of tiny and get knocked around everywhere, which is only advantageous in human pinball.
2 – I’ve successfully managed to spread myself too thin academically. The combination of courses I signed up for this semester should probably not have been attempted. Therefore, I spent most of my homecoming weekend reading about Ken Kesey, book history in the Arab world and running through Italian vocabulary.

I’m perfectly fine rooting for WCU from my apartment, or waiting until the next day to find out who placed in the Homecoming parade. So again, congratulations to all of the organizations who participated in any event over the course of the celebrations, and I hope all you freshmen/transfers let loose and got caught up in the Ram Spirit!


Next, I’d like to congratulate West Chester and its students for sticking through all the messy weather last week. This is the time of year in West Chester where the ground will not be properly dry again until April, and I took last week as a warning.

I don’t know the exact number, but we received – a LOT – of rain last school week due to various dying stages of tropical storms (thank goodness for the sun on Homecoming). There was a good three inches of rain in front of my stoop Friday morning. However, throughout the downpours and violent winds, I saw a surprising amount of students STILL ATTENDING CLASSES.

I seem shocked? But of course! Every other year, when the campus is thrown into swamp-like conditions, I’ve seen attendance dwindle down past the half-way point in every one of my classes. This year, far less students skipped due to ‘inclement weather conditions,’ a really motivating sight to a senior’s eyes. I’ve never seen the point in skipping classes due to anything less than illness or some freak accident where you’re stranded in Mumbai – there’s far too much work missed in each class period, and I’m not going to pay thousands of dollars per class to nap and miss out on one of my unexcused absences that I could need later on in the semester.

Did you also know that some colleges (not too far away, nevertheless unnamed) actually closed due to the weather? Perhaps there were some additional pipe problems or other issues, but when I received a text message from my friend at ??? University saying his school closed because of rain, I laughed.

So great job, WCU! Let’s see if we can continue this throughout the rest of the semester (I’m anxious to see how many people stay home during the first snowfall)!


Finally, I’d like to comment on all of the Quad SWAG we’ve received lately. It’s a little known fact that various editors of the paper are sent CDs, books, projects and other press release kits in hopes that we will find writers to create reviews or awareness articles on these objects. In fact, we have mounds of CDs that we would love to have taken away (our problem is finding an audience that is willing to listen to some of the artists we’ve gained collections of). In honor of this, the Quad has created a Top Ten list of items we’ve received in our office over the course of the last few years. Check out the list in the Entertainment section, on page 12.

peace to you,

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