Sat. Apr 20th, 2024

o the Editor,
Even though every semester we have only that one week to add or drop classes, I have to complain that it is only one week. I know that some people change their schedule right before classes start up again from summer break. I realize that people switch in and out of classes during the first week. This could be due to finding a class with a better starting time, or a different professor. I understand that it can be frustrating for a student and the professor when a student is entered into the class roll during the beginning of the semester. The student has work to make up and the professor has already started teaching the lesson.
The other concept I don’t understand is why we only have one week to drop a class. After the add/ drop period, we have to withdraw from the class. I don’t think it’s enough time for a student to think about if they want to take the class still or not, no matter what the reasoning is. Granted, students do have a month and a half or so to withdraw from a course. I just feel that it would benefit students to have more time to decide if they wanted to drop a certain class. – Ginger Rae Dunbar, Features Editor

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