Here is a question for you….
“Who is at the top of the West Chester Borough Government organizational chart?” (You are thinking, “Is it the Mayor?”
NO.”Is it the Borough Council President??” NO.
“Is it the Borough Manager?” NO.) Who is at the top of Borough government? YOU!!!
Citizens are at the top, and at the heart, of every level of democratic governance!
This means we need YOU!! We need your ideas, your concerns and your presence at Borough Council meetings, and other community conversations.
Not only are you invited, but you have a responsibility as a citizen to participate in your government.
Nowhere can you have a greater impact than at the local level – remember the saying, “All politics is local?” It’s true.
Here are some of your responsibilities as a citizen of West Chester:VOTE!
The Deadline for registration to vote is Oct. 11. Go to to learn more about Voter Services. (If you are registered at home, vote ABSENTEE – or change your registration to vote in West Chester.)
Vote on Nov. 8. Your voting place will be in West Chester on or near campus. Check Voter Services, on the Chester County website above.
Three Borough Council members will be elected this fall!! These Council members represent YOU on Council!! Be sure to vote!
Participate in Democratic Governance.
“Democratic governance” is a partnership of citizens and their elected officials. It is the responsibility of the elected official to frame the issue and convene the conversation.
It is the responsibility of each citizen to participate in those conversations and to determine workable solutions that are in the best interest of the majority.
Attend West Chester Borough Council meetings (Your ideas are needed!) Make sure to go to (for a listing of all Borough meetings)
Borough Council Worksessions are held the night before the Wednesday meetings also at 7p.m. (Lively discussions and debates!)
I will be looking for you at Council meetings and on campus. Please introduce yourself to me! In addition, you can share your ideas, questions and concerns via e-mail, Or friend the Mayor on Facebook and follow me on Twitter!
You are very important CITIZENS OF WEST CHESTER! I look forward to working together with you to make West Chester an even better place!