Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

On Tuesday and Wednesday night, The Vagina Monologues took place in Asplundth Concert Hall to promote stopping the violence against women. All proceeds from the performances were donated to the Chester County Domestic Violence Center, Crime Victim Center, Rape Crisis Council and YWCA. The Vagina Monologues are based on Eve Enslerʼs interviews with more that 200 women talking about their bodies. The Vagina Monologues celebrate womenʼs sexuality and stregnth, and exposes the violations that women experience throughout the world.This was the fifth year that the Vagina Monologues has been on WCUʼs campus. Robin Garret, director of the Womenʼs Center, said, “It has been just astonishing.” The director, Jeff Choice, said, “Within the process of creating this contemporary dance work, I hoped to capture the essence of every women. Not just the women in this production, or on this campus, but women worldwide.” The stage was set up as a hosptial with nurses and women. The relaxed atmosphere set the stage for women to tell each of her own personal experiences.

There were roars of laughter during “The Woman who Loved to Make Vaginas Happy,” as Beth Foster imitated numerous types of moans. Some included, “college moan,” “African American moan,” and “Irish moan.”

The topic of rape was discussed during, “My Vagina was My Village,” as Adria Eichner described the pain and violence that one woman had gone through. She described being invaded and the pain of the after effects of being violated. The somber tone in the audience proved that her performance affected everyone. In a skit entitled, “Angry Vagina,” Zoi Gianneas expressed the hardships of being a woman.

Gianneas expressed her feelings about men, visits to the gynocologist, getting their periods and other daily things. Throughout many of the skits all of the women on stage would yell out their own input and answer posed questions such as, “If your vagina could get dressed, what would it wear?” and, “If your vagina could talk, what would it say?”

The performance also proved that there were an age range of females that participated in the Vagina Monologues. “Six Year Old Girl” gave insight of how little girls feel about their own bodies.

On the contrary, “The Flood” told the tale of a 75 year-old woman talking about her adolescent times with boys. This performance was relatable to various ages of women because it told the stories of many different ages.

Violence and womenʼs empowerment was the theme of this production. With variousskits that talked about these subjects, the audience was entertained and informed. To learn more about VDay, visit the official Web site at

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