Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

“Atley Moon and The Say Something Sound Machine” is a local band from West Chester, possessing a great mix of music with a great sound and exciting performances. Q: How long has the band been together?

A: A couple of the guys have been playing together for a long time now, they were originally called “The Company.” “Atley Moon” was officially started in the spring of 2009. Two of the guys were roommates and started playing together and then just slowly started adding friends from home.

Q: Where do you predominantly play?

A:-We play a lot of bars in the Philadelphia area.

Q: What style of music do you play?

A: I like to think of us as just a good ol’ fashion rock band that brings it all night long, every night.

Q: Who are the artists that are most influential to you?

A: Big list here – Bruce Springsteen, Roy Orbison, Huey Lewis and the News, Gary US Bonds, The Clash – list goes on and on.

Q: Do you have one specific songwriter in the band or do you all contribute?

A: Steve Mullary, the lead vocalist, does the main writing with each of us throwing our own twist on it till we have a final product.

Q: You seemed like a pretty organized group, having a manager, how do you think that affects you in a better way as opposed to bands who don’t have managers?

A: Well, our manager, Adam, keeps us on track, mainly at practices because we get side-tracked easily. He’s pretty cheap too, he only gets my first child, the drummer’s house every third Saturday for the rest of his life, the lead singer’s kidneys, the lead guitar pays his healthcare, and he has the right to open loans under any of our names (haha).

Q: What was your favorite moment as a band?

A: Recording studio and our first night at the Stone Pony in Jersey, it’s the bar where Springsteen got his start along with so many others, such a great place.

Q:What is your favorite event you have played?

A: Probably Club 19 in York – we packed the place, got an encore, got yelled at by management for playing too long, and then when we left so did everyone else in the club. Good times.

Q: Do you hope to continue together as a band for a long time? I know some of you are obtaining a college degree… is that a backup plan?

A: You have to have a backup plan with something like this, such a small percentage actually makes it. But yes there is a great hope for the future together.

Q: What drives you as artists?

A: Passion, the love for it; there is nothing like the power you hold when you bring people together with music.

Suzanne Brady is a fifth-year student majoring in Spanish. She can be reached at

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