Mon. Sep 9th, 2024

I still cannot understand the high price for an official transcript. 7 dollars, really? What is with that high price. Where does that even even go to? To pay the people doing the transcripts? Thats what they get their salary for. Making a PDF file does not warrant such a high price. Really this is just another attempt to draw students of their money. Why does a person need an official transcript? In most cases you should be able to give an unnofficial transcript. If they really wanted to make sure you are not scamming them, then they could check up themselves.
-Jack Barnett

Why is everyone waiting in lines? When I go to the library or the diner I see people waiting in line after line. Is it really worth it? As the case with the library I undertsand that you want to print out important papers from the computers. Yet there are computer labs in Main Hall or Anderson that are free to use. They seldom have the lines of the main library. Late night the diner is the place to eat, but I can’t see it being worth it. Waiting an hour in line and then waiting another hour for food is ridiculous. Store some food on your own in case you ever get hungry. Both ways can cut down on line waiting and not waste time.
-Jack Barnett

Lately Obama has been going around to college campuses trying to woo young people. One of his talking points has been the need to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling The Republican-controlled House passed a measure preventing student loan interest rates from doubling. Obama threatened to veto it and the Democrat controlled Senate will block it. Can anyone say, disingenuous? So what was the problem? Democrats framed it as the latest Republican move in the raging “War on Women” that exists only in the mind of delusional Democrats (sorry for the redundancy) because the extension of the low rates is funded by cutting into Obamacare’s massive budget. While the Democrats may balk at their highly problematic and unpopular, but nonetheless precious legislation, being used in this manner, they have used it to fund things before as well, including a payroll tax cut. Hopefully college students will now realize that the only people holding back legislation to prevent their student loan interest rates from doubling is the Democrats.
–Bill Hanrahan

National DNC Chairwoman and de facto comedian of the Democrat Party Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (sorry Al Franken) said that “the president has a tremendous record to run on for young people.” Can anyone say LOL? The Obama administrations policies have resulted in most new college graduates being either unemployed or underemployed. Keep it up the great work for young people Obama and the Democrats! I don’t know what we would do without you. Maybe we would be working relevant jobs. But then we wouldn’t need food stamps, and the Democrats want more people on food stamps.
–Bill Hanrahan

Why do pro-abortion people think the terms “choice” and “abortion” are synonymous? I was talking with someone who said that Republicans are unpopular with a large majority of women because they oppose “choice.” Maybe the decision whether or not to kill a child in the womb is a choice but it certainly isn’t the only choice that exists in the world. The word “choice” should not be used as a synonym for abortion. That’s just stupid. When I make a choice as to what color shirt I am going to wear in the morning I am not terminating an unborn child. Besides, my question to all of the pro-abortion people is this: if abortion is so great why do we need to use a euphemism (“choice”) to talk about it?
–Bill Hanrahan
I still cannot understand the high price for an official transcript. 7 dollars, really? What is with that high price. Where does that even even go to? To pay the people doing the transcripts? Thats what they get their salary for. Making a PDF file does not warrant such a high price. Really this is just another attempt to draw students of their money. Why does a person need an official transcript? In most cases you should be able to give an unnofficial transcript. If they really wanted to make sure you are not scamming them, then they could check up themselves.
-Jack Barnett

Why is everyone waiting in lines? When I go to the library or the diner I see people waiting in line after line. Is it really worth it? As the case with the library I undertsand that you want to print out important papers from the computers. Yet there are computer labs in Main Hall or Anderson that are free to use. They seldom have the lines of the main library. Late night the diner is the place to eat, but I can’t see it being worth it. Waiting an hour in line and then waiting another hour for food is ridiculous. Store some food on your own in case you ever get hungry. Both ways can cut down on line waiting and not waste time.
-Jack Barnett

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