My column has reported on the presidential race and many issues that are of concern to college students. Apart from this very important election is the election and re-election of representatives for both Houses in Congress. In my home district (sixth congressional district of Pennsylvania), and maybe yours too, a congressman was elected in 2002 with a vision of community and common sense principles. Now, in this election year, Congressman Gerlach is up for re-election, and it is important to keep this northern Republican in office who?s like most Americans: moderate on some issues and conservative on others.Congressman Gerlach has introduced legislation that has benefited children, veterans, seniors, and our environment. Gerlach has introduced the following bills: Agricultural preservation challenge grant bill (HR 2703), Iraq claims adjudication bill (HR3603), PITFALL, a bill designed to provide relief for victims of identity theft (HR 3296), trade relations extension with Ukraine (HR 4619), and a Southeastern Pennsylvania veterans cemetery bill (HR 1516), to name a few.
Congressman Gerlach has also co-sponsored the following initiatives: the halting of out-of-state trash bill (HR 1730), the Women?s Business Sustainability Extension Act of 2004 (Hr 4853), the permanent death tax repeal bill (HR 8), the Child Abduction Prevention Act (HR 1104), Law Enforcement Officers? Safety Act (HR 217), increases in penalties for acts of terrorism (HR 2934) and the highway trust fund reauthorization bill (HR 3088). The Congressman has introduced and co-sponsored various common-sense bills, bills that are fiscally responsible and morally right.
As a Republican, Gerlach has a sense of duty about the environment that is often contrary to his party?s views. He has supported legislation that protects our local farmland and our Highland forest from over-development and pollution.
He has voted for the prohibition of Alaska National Wildlife Refuge drilling. He voted for automakers to increase their fuel efficiency. Congressman Gerlach will work hard to protect our environment in the sixth district and in this nation by setting or supporting legislation that benefits our future. Congressman Gerlach has worked on job growth and protection for the district. He has stimulated job creation by supporting legislation that gives tax cuts to small businesses and those who earned it. He says “our job is not done until everyone who wants a job has a job,” and that is the kind of leadership our country needs in order to succeed.
Congressman Gerlach has been a leader in this state on health care issues. He has voted and supported medical liability reform that will safeguard against frivolous lawsuits hurting our doctors. He voted for Medicare prescription drug bills so that our seniors don?t have to choose between medication and living essentials.
Congressman Gerlach is part of various task forces and caucuses, such as the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, Congressional Biomedical Research Caucus, and Working Group to Combat Government Waste. He has Committee duties in Transportation and Infrastructure, Small Business, and the House Financial Services Committee. Gerlach cares about our needs now as well as those in the future.
He represents common sense legislating and working, middle class values. Congressman Gerlach is a representative with the best interest of the people in mind and the common sense leadership to earn their vote.
Jason Maleski is a senior majoring in Literature.