Tue. May 21st, 2024

Professors gathered in front of Main Hall last Monday in protest of WCU’s administrative policies towards African-American women. They held signs such as “Justice for Women of Color,” “WCU is a hostile workplace for women of color,” and “African-American women are an endangered species.”

The professors were protesting a number of issues that amounted to racism and sexism found in the administrative levels of the university. An unfair article added in their contract and various evaluation methods were among some of the issues.

A letter was signed by 33 faculty members to the President of the University in early December, 2005. This outlined certain changes that had to be made. They did not hear a response until a couple weeks into the spring semester, but during that time nothing changed.

Prof. Stacy Schlau said a recently added article addresses complaints against faculty, but has been abused by the administration, targeting specific faculty.

Faculty member Debbie Malhstedt said, “Our urgency today is that we are about to lose two of them. It seems easier for the administration to get rid of faculty then the work through the issue.”

In one case, the dean who is responsible for a complaint was also the person who made the complaint. This is unfair for the faculty member, since the fact-checker has a bias against her.

Prof. Malhstedt said, “In one case the dean is yelling at the person and verbally degrading this person.”

Prof. Maria Vanlieu gave her reaction to this information. She said, “I was unaware of the situation.the process they had been going through for years is shocking.”

WCU student Jess Carmichael stood along side the professors in the protest. She said, “It’s a very serious issue that not a lot of people know about.” For her, the issue is relevant to students as well as professors. She said, “If any of my professors feel uncomfortable in their workplace, then that’s going to affect my education.

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