Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

So you are finally settled in your new dorm, you’re stressing out about buying books, and you are ready to meet tons of new people. Does that sound just like you? I thought so. The first week of college, after orientation of course, seems a bit low key. Looking back to all those television shows about college life, you are supposed to be out partying with people that you met the first day. They make it seem so easy. News flash-it doesn’t always work that way.

The first rule of week one at college is to come out of your dorm room. If you stay inside and watch television all day, there won’t be any success. Everyone’s in the same boat so talk to each other. If you are shy, here’s your chance to break out. Let people know you are there and that you are someone worth talking to.

West Chester University implements a great way to get to know others by enforcing a mandatory orientation for all new students. By now orientation is over, and you have hopefully made some new aquaintances.

After week one it’s time to start making a list of all of the events on campus that sound interesting. The best way to find out what is going on is at the Involvement Fair which will be on Wednesday, September 9. It’s held outside the Ehinger Gym across from the Academic Quad. This is an event you do not want to miss. Almost every organization on campus is there with information about themselves as well as upcoming events they will be hosting.Whether the organizations sound interesting or not, take their giveaways and join their e-mail lists. For now, you just want to keep your options open. Once you start to attend events, then you can rule out what you didn’t really care for.

Additionally, Sykes After Dark plays movies Thursday-Saturday night. This is another great way to get out of the dorm on weekends that would be spent watching movies alone anyway. The movies they play are usually great picks that you’ve probably been dying to see. For example, this semester they are already scheduled to play “The Hangover,” “The Ugly Truth,” and “Funny People.”

Sykes also holds many events that are a great way to meet knew people. Many of these events are hosted by organizations. For example, WCUR hosts Open-Mic Night’s throuhout the school year.

Last tip: meet people in class. Again, everyone is in the same boat. Everyone is looking to meet new people, freshman and upperclassmen. Before class begins introduce yourself to the people next to you. Don’t sit by yourself in the back corner. Later when the professor introduces a really difficult topic, you are going to wish you had someone to text or study with. If introducing yourself at the beginning feels too uncomfortable, there’s an alternative. When the professor says something you didn’t understand or hear, ask the person next to you. They’ll realize you care and ask you next time. And if not, at least you’ll know you tried.

The biggest piece of advice is to get out there. Getting involved in organizations and meeting new people is the key to a fun, successful year.

Jillian Barton is a sophmore at West Chester University, majoring in English. She can be reached at

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