“It is one hell of a great time that will be had by many,” Jim Houliston gushed about his second episode of “Procrastination Station: The Mattress is Back.” This is the second episode Houliston has created about the professional tactics in the art of procrastination. Houliston, a junior at WCU, is the editor and producer of the first and second episode. He guaranteed that all will be impressed with this “intercollegiate TV epic.”
Houliston has been involved with the WCU-TV station and that was where his idea of “Procrastination Station” was born. He decided to create a show about college students not doing their work and a lot of people wanted to work on the project with him.
The first episode premiered on WCU-TV in October and many students tuned in. The main character, Jimbo, has a lot of studying to do. Instead of completing his work, Jimbo decides to put it off for as long as possible. This is how the “Procrastination Station” plot begins.
The show takes place in the dorms and around North and South campus as students find numerous things to do instead of their homework. The second episode also has a scene on the Millersville University campus; Houliston described it as a “creative, out of the box” idea that his friend helped him think of.
“The Mattress is Back” is longer in length than the first episode. The original cast will return and there are some new faces as well. The cast consists of Houliston’s friends from last year who lived on the sixth floor of Tyson Hall. By making this movie, the cast had a chance to take part in and film the random stunts that they could do for fun.The mattress is a reoccurring theme in the second episode. Houliston said tudents will want to attend this premiere because the episode will be shown “uncut” with bonus scenes.
The second episode took about a month to shoot and certain skits took longer to edit than the entire first episode. One scene filmed won an award from the TV Club as “Best Edited Scene.”
If you missed the first episode, no need to worry. “The Mattress is Back” does not start from the end of the first “Procrastination Station.” Even if you did not see the first episode, you will be able to understand “The Mattress is Back.” Students should come out to see the final episode of “Procrastination Station” because Houliston does not plan to film any more episodes of the art of procrastination. However, he does have another show idea in the making, called “Camp Jim.” Houliston is also considering filming a sitcom on campus. Those that attend the premiere will hear more about his new show ideas.
The premiere of “Procrastination Station: The Mattress is Back” will take place on April 14 at 8 p.m. in Sykes Theater and the show is free. Houliston added, “Make sure to be there by 8 p.m. – especially to my friends that are reading this, we are packing house for this jaw dropping premiere.”