Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

On Feb. 21 and Feb. 22, West Chester University will host an event unlike any before. WCU will be hosting two free screenings of a documentary called “The Human Experience.” The documentary follows two brothers, Clifford and Jeffrey Azize, as they search for the meaning of life. The two brothers featured in the documentary have grown up in New York’s foster care program. On their search for the true meaning of life and humanity, the two brothers spend time with and live among the homeless in New York, get to know lepers in Africa and help children in Peru.

The screening on Feb. 21 will be held at 7p.m. in the Sykes Ballrooms and the screening on Feb. 22 will also be held at 7p.m. in Main Hall, room 168. Students and faculty will also be able to engage in a question and answer session following the Feb. 22 showing of “The Human Experience.” Jeffrey Azize along with writer, Michael Campo will be there to lead the question and answer session.

Though she may not have known it then, student Lori Brooks’ quest to bring “The Human Experience” to West Chester’s campus, started four years ago. Brooks saw the documentary for the first time during a screening that her high school hosted.

“I walked out of the auditorium with a new found respect for life, the realization that I had the power to make our world a better place and the desire to do just that”, said Brooks.

“I have been a student here at West Chester for only one year, but in this relatively short amount of time I have grown to love and respect every member of our WCU community; perhaps most importantly, though, I have grown to believe in our potential to make the world a better place.”

Brooks is also being helped by Jackie Hodes, assistant to the Vice President of Student Affairs. Brooks hopes that by bringing “The Human Experience” to campus, it will help inspire students to make a change in the world. Brooks hopes that students are just as inspired by the documentary as she was. “Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration.”

The Human Experience “serves as a reminder that each human life has value and that every member of the human race should be loved, respected and shown compassion.

“We as students are here to receive a good education, but the most important part of education is learning to treat one another with the dignity and humanity we all deserve,” Brooks said.

Brooks also encourages students and student organizations to get involved with the project. When asked how students, faculty, and staff can help, Brooks stated “spread the word, spread the word, spread the word!” If anyone is interested in helping Brooks with “The Human Experience,” please contact her at

Angela Thomas is a fourth year student majoring in English with a minor in web technology. She can be reached at

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