Hello there everyone, and welcome back to campus!
We’ve already felt the effects of winter this semester – in the first week of classes, nearly every day has experienced some sort of delay. With even more wintry weeks ahead, I have to wonder if the weather will hold any more cancellations.
That being said, I feel as though the semester was also leery of coming off of winter break, and procrastinated itself with a little help from Mother Nature. I’m certainly also feeling a bit of academic drowsiness, as I try to get back into the scholarly mindset as classes begin and homework starts to flow.
However, all of us at The Quad have been working to bring you a new and improved publication for our 100th issue – Spring 2011. With this change, as you can see from the paper you’re holding or our on-line viewer, we’ve changed to a squarish shape, and have modified our front page to hold more of a general overview of the weekly issue, as opposed to being the first page of our news section.
These physical changes do not, by any means, carry over to The Quad’s standard of student journalism. Just because our paper is smaller does not mean our care or coverage of campus, local, and prominent national news will dwindle. As long as we have willing student writers and photographers, The Quad will stand up to the University’s standard of “Expecting Excellence.”
With this new format, our staff has also been brainstorming several new ideas. Our new Features Editor, Angela Thomas, will be starting a sort of “Teacher Feature,” highlighting professors nominated by their students. In February, we also hope to have a Valentine’s note corner for students to publish small messages to friends and loved ones (for our Feb. 14 issue).
As a reader of The Quad, we want to know if you like/encourage these ideas, or if you have any of your own. The Quad is a student-run publication, and feedback from our readers (you) helps us to grow and create a relationship among the student body.
If you would like to get involved in any way with The Quad, e-mail myself or any of the staff (you can find our contact e-mails on our website and in each section of the paper). “Getting involved” can mean anything from writing, taking photos, or simply just to tell us what you want from your campus newspaper. We’ll also have a table at the Spring Involvement Fair on Wednesday, January 26 in Sykes Ballrooms, and hope to see you all there.
Peace to you,
Tara T.
Editor in Chief