Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

To the Editor, In response to your article “Campus dining aims to be more eco-friendly” (2/16/09), it was encouraging to see that the university staff is working to reduce our collective impact on the planet by increasing recycling at West Chester. It’s important to note though that there is an easier way to increase sustainability in the dining halls, which is to expand the vegetarian and vegan options. According to a recent United Nations study, raising animals for food contributes more to global warming than all of the cars, trains, boats, and trains combined. If we really want to make a difference, without having to overhaul the structure of the dining halls, the first step would be to cut out the meat. Across the board, animal agriculture squanders the limited resources we have by funneling them through animals raised for meat and other animal products. For example, we currently feed more than 70 percent of the grains raised in this country to animals raised for food, rather than eating the grains directly. Similarly, nearly half of the water and 80 percent of agricultural land consumed in this country is used for livestock, when it could be used to grow food directly for human consumption. This wasteful use of our resources has a devastating effect on our local environments as well. Currently, farmed animals produce about 130 times as much excrement as the entire U.S. population, much of which finds its way into our local waterways. Thankfully, it’s never been easier to find delicious and “green” meals on the go. With local grocery stores stocking the shelves with products like vegetarian BBQ “riblets” and vegan pizza, not to mention chain restaurants like Denny’s and Burger King adding veggie burgers to the menus, there’s never been a better time to eat sustainably and cruelty-free. For more information about the impacts of animal agriculture on the environment, visit to request free stickers and a DVD.

-Ryan Huling College Campaign Coordinator,

To the Editor,

Parking is equally as rough on South Campus as it is on North Campus. I know money is tough at this current time, but something needs to be done soon. It’s not fair when students have to drive around endlessly in circles, have to park with their hazzards on in the middle of the street, or have to park in the handicapped spots. At any given time past 9:30, there might be 4 or more cars just driving around fighting for one spot. This has to stop. There is plenty of land near The Village and the apartments to build 20, 30, or more spots. It’s silly to think that someone in The Village can’t park at the apartments or vice versa. Instead, if we can’t find a spot we can park in Q Lot. Give me a break. Build more spots. Hopefully others feel the same way and write in.

-Michael Zuino, West Chester University Student

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