The concern over students being without their Ram E-cards at all times has caused the campus to institute resource cards. The cards are used to check out resources from the front desk of the residence halls such as kitchen supplies, games, pool sticks, computer keys and movies.
The card makes everything behind the desk accessible to the students. RA’s, GA’s and RHA all have to have their own resource card.
The card has your name, student ID number, room number and phone number.
The back of the card is signed by the student, symbolizing an agreement to pay for loss or damage to the item that was borrowed using the card.
According to third-year student Lanisha Davis, a desk assistant, one downside for the halls is that the card is not as essential to campus existence as the student ID card is; so many people just forget to return what they borrowed.
This then forces the hall to call students down to the desk and ask them to return or replace what was borrowed.
Another scenario is that the item is returned, but the desk assistant does not return the resource card, thus causing the desk assistants to place it in the student’s mailbox and hope they check there before coming to the desk to say it was lost.
“The card is small and very easy to lose or damage and will cost you a dollar to replace,” Tthird-year student Inshirah Muhamut, a resident assistant, said. “It also doesn’t have a picture on it so we can’t be sure it is you checking the item out or just someone that found your card.”
“I think it is a great system because it allows you to utilize all the resources behind the desk without sacrificing your privileges such as meals or accessing the residence hall,” Muhamat said.
The resource card is actually making desk-student relationships easier, not harder.
Muhamut also said that because of the resource cards the desk no longer has to be open as long for students to get their IDs in the morning, it spares RAs and DAs early morning hours.
“It is effective because people are more responsible about what they take and more likely to return it because they know we will hold them responsible,” Davis said.
“The card is very effective because the desk hours can be shorter, students have more freedom, and anything behind the desk is available to the students,” Muhamut said.
Elise Glunz is first-year student majoring in geology. She can be reached at