Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Aries (March 20-April 18). Delayed business permissions may soon arrive. Pay special attention to letters, messages or calls. Bosses and managers will clear a pathway to success. Expect advancement to come in the form of divided projects, last-minute promotions or unusual work partnerships. Thursday through Sunday also accent new friendships and complex group activities. Avoid competing schedules, if possible, and expect minor jealousies.Taurus (April 19-May 19). Long-term leases, official deeds and titles will be finalized over the next few days. After Tuesday, watch for unusual financial information to demand completion. Family ultimatums or rare home proposals may also be accented. Carefully resolve all outstanding legal documents. Friday through Sunday, powerful dream experiences may bring new awareness. Areas affected are trusted friend-ships, romantic triangles or family expectations.

Gemini (May 20-June 20). Ongoing financial and business questions soon will be settled. Before mid-March, new sources of long-term security may arrive without warning. Over the next nine days, revitalized career and social contacts will lead to lasting success. After Friday, however, carefully study taxation and spending records. Wednesday through Saturday also highlight serious family discussions or revised roman-tic promises. Emotions may be high. Take time to clearly explain your needs.

Cancer (June 21-July 21). Early this week, past romantic or social promises will be either finalized or dismissed. Before Wednesday, watch for loved ones to adopt new attitudes or revise unrealistic schedules. Use this time to establish romantic expectations. Friends and lovers will offer positive responses. Thursday through Saturday, pay attention to new debts or sudden financial changes. Delayed payments will not work to your advantage. Remain determined to settle outstanding accounts.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 22). Relatives and romantic partners may suggest new home routines. Key areas of concern involve parent/child relationships, daily duties or long-term renovations. Be receptive. Family proposals or revised home plans will soon prove rewarding. Wednesday through Saturday also ac-cents improved relations and renewed trust between friends. Stay firmly dedicated to the present and expect recent disputes or power struggles to steadily fade.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 21). Respond quickly to all job offers or business proposals. Office productivity and social planning will bring valuable employment options. Virgos born after 1972 should also pay attention to the health sciences or community services industries. At present, new career paths or educational programs may provide unique opportunities. Later this week, romantic proposals will be reversed. Dont be dismayed; renewed passion will soon become a top priority.

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 22). Over the next eight days, loved ones may neglect established home duties or discuss stressful family gatherings. By early next week, however, revised emotional rules work to your advantage. Expect tensions between siblings, complex schedules or financial obligations to be permanently resolved. After Friday, some Librans may also encounter a rare social invitation or sudden romantic proposal. If so, remain quietly reserved. New relationships may be difficult to initiate.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21). Public images, social reputation and revised business roles are on the agenda. Before Wednesday, watch for key officials to offer greater access to restricted or difficult projects. People skills and team management will prove vital. Expect temporary job promotions and fast career proposals. Later this week, someone close may ask for special advice. Marital discord, social triangles and romantic trust may be key concerns. Remain diplomatic. Passions may be high.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 20). Social communications and business messages may be controversial over the next eight days. New employees, improved team roles or quickly established policies will require delicate discussions. Let authority figures handle all such details. Complex personality clashes may soon be revealed. Thursday through Sunday, dream activity, sudden impressions and quick insights are highlighted. A troubled relationship may soon be revealed as unproductive or outdated. Stay focused on trust.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19). Workplace romance and social complications may be draining over the next few days. Late Tuesday, colleagues or close friends may ask probing questions, confront established routines or reveal unusual information. Play the diplomat. Before next week, loved ones may feel a strong urge to publicly defend their ideas. Wednesday through Sunday also accent new financial or legal deadlines. Stay alert. Key officials will announce revised policies or extended permissions.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Early this week, friend-ship and romance become top priorities. After Tuesday, expect loved ones to confidently state their intentions or long-term plans. Emotional stagnation in key relationships will soon end. Use this time to enjoy intimate moments or develop common goals. Friday through Sunday, family members or trusted friends may request clarification. Group plans; daily activities and social loyalties are accented. Offer detailed explanations and wait for key decisions.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 19). Subtle comments may reveal important information. Expect loved ones to gently request family improvements or express a need for change. Boredom and restlessness are key. Find positive ways to address ongoing frustration or social irritations. Some Pisceans, especially those born after 1974, will encounter a complex or mildly unethicalcal romantic proposal. If so, remain quietly distant. At present, new relationships will take extra time to become reliable.

If your birthday is this week … Find creative ways to involve new friends, family members and romantic partners in social activities. Group awareness and common goals will bring added strength to long-term relationships. Over the next five weeks, respond quickly to all invitations, proposals or social requests. After mid-May, several business or financial opportunities are due to arrive. Areas strongly affected are marketing, business administration, and legal services or personnel management. Ask for firm details and reliable paperwork. By late July, a new career path may be made available. Later this summer, romantic passions intensify. Expect potential lovers or new friends to compete for your time, attention and loyalty.

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