Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

While it isn’t quite spring weather yet, the first day of spring has come and gone, and Spring Fever is definitely setting in on campus. The Quad staff has been overhearing some interesting things that we aren’t quite we wanted to hear lately, and we thought we’d pass them on to you as a spring welcome:- “Oh, I see what you mean!” – A maintenance worker standing between closing automatic doors

– “We fixed the problem, and even if we didn’t catch it now, we would’ve caught it eventually…” – A construction worker on the site of the new dorms

– “Where is it?”
“You know where the police station is? There.” – Two students discussing where they had to go later that day.

– “This is bad karma. I should have gone to class.”

– “I guess I should have read that chapter…”
“I guess I should have bought the book.”

– “You should have seen what the cops did to him.” – A student said about her night before.

– “It’s not contagious though!” – A student talking about her pink eye.

– “I wish that there was such a thing as voice text messaging.” – A student talking about how she was tired of typing a long text message.

– “She tried to get out of being arrested by offering the cop [sexual favors]… It didn’t go over so well.” – A group of students the morning after St. Patrick’s Day, discussing the previous night.

– “I want to go somewhere classy tonight…like TGI Fridays” – A student discussing plans for the evening.

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