Sat. Oct 12th, 2024

To the Editor, You Can Say That Again! I am writing in response to the article Sex and the UniverCity. I am an 18 year old female who totally agrees with the fact that it is so easy for women to always settle for less when it comes to choosing their mates. To me it seems that it is a confidence issue. Many women believe that in order for them to be loved they have to rely on a man. I say, that if you totally know who you are as a person and you know your standards, the need to be with a man would not really matter. I feel that women are anxious in trying to find Mr. Right instead of letting him find her. If women only knew their purpose in life, the need to have to rely on any man’s love instead of their own, would not be as significant as it is today.

-Fatimah Smith, West Chester University Student

To the Editor,

Phans or Phoes? (Re: Residents, students riot after Phils win World Series, Nov. 10) The Philadelphia Phillies winning the World Series was a once in a life time opportunity and I was so proud to be a part of it. What I was not proud of was how our Phillies fans represented themselves, especially here at our school. Something as special as winning the World Series should be a time of rejoice and celebration. However on Walnut St. the fans decided to riot rather than celebrate. If people think that destroying property and injuring others is a form of celebrating then there is something seriously wrong. Cops stood and watched as “two cars were overturned and a light pole was taken down.” It was obvious they did not know how to respond to the actions of the students and residence of West Chester. The behavior was out of control and had no logic behind it. Not saying there is a right reason to throw a riot , but aren’t riots usually associated with some sort injustice or discrimination? Who ever heard of throwing a riot in the spirit of celebrating a well deserved win? The partakers in this riot clearly did not take in consideration the image they were giving the city of Philadelphia and their team. The thought that these people consider themselves loyal “Phans” is just pathetic. Maybe they were just too intoxicated to be aware of their actions, but the rioters on Walnut St. were a disgrace to the names they wore on their shirts.

-Alyssa D’Angelo, West Chester University Student

To the Editor,

Underage and We Don’t Care When I saw a student from University of Delaware died at a party this past weekend, I froze. Was he from my high school or a friend? I was so scared that I was going to have to read about someone close to me, but when I saw his name I was relieved even though his death still struck a nerve. Later I discussed with my friends how we’re only 18 and 19-year-old kids going off to college, starting a new chapter in our lives and here some are dying. We go to parties to release the pressure of the week before. The main problem that sets us back is alcohol; we’re underage and don’t care. Some of us go to get drunk and lose our minds in dancing, calling, and even texting with anyone we can. Even with all the classes in high school and the mandatory web-based education programs we take, it still doesn’t click in our minds how serious drinking is. This weekend ritual is one of my own, I am not afraid to admit it, but it’s getting out of hand since it’s become a contest of stories of what someone drank, how long they lasted, how much they remember, where they passed out, where they woke up and next to whom. It’s sad that all the education in the world can’t do anything to save those who are now only victims to their own intoxication.

-Krystal Powell, West Chester University Student

To the Editor,

Voting is a privilege and it should not be abused. Not to say that our last election was a fluke, or maybe it was. I’m not talking about most of the adults as much as the thousands of students that exist on my college campus alone along with all other young people. These young people have no idea what they were voting for with the exception of a handful. These young people merely vote “because they can” and they have little knowledge in politics. I may know little about politics and I include myself in this group of people but it isn’t right. Most kids grow up with the views of their parents. My dad is a Republican, therefore, I too consider myself a Republican but I have not really established my own views and values. I had asked many people around campus about who they voted for and why and it was not a surprise how many people didn’t really know why. I asked one girl who voted Obama why she did and her response was, “I like his views on education.” So then I asked what were Obama’s policies on education excatly and she had no clue. People try to sound intelligent to they really aren’t and it frustrates me. Voting is a privilege and voting for the wrong reasons can be bad. Voting allows people to decide who they want in office and whoever is in office runs our country so voting is not something to mess around with.

-Ian Fay, West Chester University Student

To the Editor,

Teen drug abuse is becoming a growing problem not only locally, but on a national scale as well. More and more teens are attempting to hide their problems by abusing prescription drugs or illegal street drugs. The age in which kids become exposed to these powerfully addicting substances has also decreased dramatically over the years. Teens as young as 13 years of age are now experiencing these substances because of the ease in which they can be obtained. Most teens start off casually using drugs as a way to fit in or even just to experience something new. Casual use generally leads to some sort of abuse problem because when the user is coming down off their high, they experience reality which is not as good as the high. Addiction doesn’t come by choice and most people generally don’t even realize when they are becoming addicted to drugs and most likely will not until it’s too late or somebody else confronts them. Drug abuse not only affects the user in a multitude of ways but also the people that surround you. When a teen develops a drug abuse problem, they are affecting themselves and all around them physically, emotionally and also financially. Schoolwork begins to drop, friends become distant and family members lose faith in them, all due to a substance addiction. Teen drug abuse is a problem in which a solution needs to be found before our country cannot develop.

-Tim Kerr, West Chester University Student

To the Editor,

I am really dissappointed with the Quad for not covering the Mens and Womens Swimming this year at all. They are probably the best team WC has!

-Amanda, West Chester University Student

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