Wed. May 15th, 2024

Let’s face it, we’re all about to hit our breaking points and the amount of stress that is eating away at most students around finals week is overwhelming. Minds are racing and the glimpse of break keeps getting clearer and clearer as the days towards finals get closer and closer. What is one to do? There is so much going on this time of year, it begins to take a toll on one’s body, self and overall life. One who is experiencing an excess of stress would feel regular race paced walking, working and eating. Frequent tension in the body, especially the neck, face, shoulders, back and chest as well as regular tiredness during the day are also signs of excess stress. These are signs of too much stress in one’s life, but it should be understood that a certain level of stress is actually healthy.

It may seem like it will never end, it will and there are ways to cope with the stress the average student is currently experiencing. Managing stress is all about taking charge: taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun as well as the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head on.

The goal of dealing with stress is not necessarily to avoid all stressful events, but to develop the ability to relax during day-to-day activities and during challenges, like finals week. Proper organization and time management are extremely useful right now and should be practiced by all. Plan out ahead of time what needs to be done and when it needs to be completed. Do not wait until the last minute and try and cram for all those exams or spit out an “A” worthy essay.

Take the time to think about assignments and give each assignment its own time. Know which priorities are important and figure out what one needs in their life. Is it more important to get an “A” in Chemistry class or catch up on Grey’s Anatomy? Figure out what matters most to oneself and concentrate on one’s personal priorities. One will be much happier in the end if one has made the best decision and knows what is important to them.

Beating with the high levels of stress and cold weather can be a task in itself, so one should know of a few daily routines that can help to alleviate and mange current situations.

1. Try adding something beautiful to one’s usual surroundings like a bunch of flowers or a relaxing picture.

2. Do something one finds enjoyable, whenever possible, try and smile!

3. Take a break when noticing that one is distracted. Try a walk outside or another leisurely activity that does not have a time constraint, so one can redirect their attention to work when ready.

4. Work and eat at a relaxed pace.

5. Take a moment to breathe deeply and gently focus on something in the moment such as your breath, scenery or quiet sounds.

6. Wear comfortable clothes and take your shoes off when you can.

7. Avoid holding in feelings, and find ways to express them whether it be to journal, vent to a friend or parent, exercise or even scream into a pillow-we all know it just feels good sometimes!

8. Try a yoga or meditation class to help relax and handle all tasks.

The most popular tips that are used by current West Chester University students reveal, is to exercise and take breaks. It is a great way to let out pent up stress by going for a run or hitting the gym. This will not only benefit one mentally but also physically, especially since overeating is a symptom of extreme stress. Breaks are always a smart idea. It is very beneficial to clear one’s mind and focus on something more pleasant and calming then studying. Students tend to dislike material after forcing themselves to learn it and this is something that can affect performances on tests and essay writing.

Overall it is crucial to remove yourself from a stressful environment and prepare for finals week in as much of a relaxing environment as possible. Do not panic, because we all know that will do nothing but make things worse. Obviously this is sometimes easier said than done, so try the tips listed above and breeze through finals week with as little stress as possible and enjoy winter break!

Maggie Cosgrove is a third-year student majoring in elementary education with a minor in reading. She can be reached at

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