Sat. Apr 27th, 2024

On Monday, April 26, The Quad published an article regarding responses from important local individuals and organizations on the results of the Derek Chauvin trial. Several student groups from West Chester University and other major, local universities were asked for a public statement regarding the outcome of the trial. One such group was the West Chester College Republicans.

To the Editor,

The College Republicans fully recognize the outcome of the Derek Chauvin trial and encourage everyone, both opponents and proponents of conviction, to not lash out in violence if certain expectations they had were not met with the current verdict. While the College Republicans fully disagree with the conviction of both second- and third-degree murder charges, the verdict has been reached, and we will respect it as such. We cannot be animalistic in our responses to trials that we may not agree with, and anyone who does violence because of this verdict should be summarily arrested, no exceptions.

With that being said, it is shocking and disgusting to see the insane amounts of social pressure that were put onto the jurors from both the Left and the media to convict Chauvin. Whether you agree with the verdict or not, it is an inarguable fact that full-scale riots would have ensued if Chauvin was acquitted on even just a single charge, and the fact that an entire side of the political aisle was, at best, complacent with that being an outcome is putrid. We do not live by mob rule; we live by the American justice system. Rioters do not control trial outcomes; evidence does. Sadly, it seems that these convictions were highly driven by mob pressure; from BLM activists warning, “don’t be surprised if buildings burn,” if Chauvin is acquitted, to politicians such as Maxine Waters encouraging people to, “get more confrontational,” and, “stay on the street,” if acquittal is reached. Even President Biden commented before the conviction saying that he was “praying for the right verdict” and that the “evidence is overwhelming in my view” for conviction.

Chauvin will most likely be granted an appeal due to the circumstances surrounding this trial and has a very strong argument for a mistrial, so this case may not be done just yet. Whatever the final verdict is, either from just this trial or potential ones in the future, please do NOT be violent in your responses. We must retain our sense of due process and proceed with fair and unbiased trials from this point on. We hope that politics will not be forced onto future juries in trials such as these, but, sadly, we remain doubtful.

The College Republicans are a West Chester University campus organization. They can be reached at CB943290@wcupa.ed

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